Chapter 3 The Dylan Freaks

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This building is really suspicious, KoJo thought as she followed Hannah and Bobby into the venue. She turned and took note of the pay phone outside the building just in case she needed to get out of their quick.

The outside was severely decrepit, and the inside was miles above the outside, but not all like what she thought a club would be.

There weren't many people milling around as the sign on the door said "opens at 8", and the only reason they could get in was because Bobby was performing that night. Speaking of Bobby, he and Hannah were all over each other and it was making KoJo sick. Bobby kept lifting Hannah up and wrapping her legs around his waist so he could he carry her around, but Hannah's body kept blocking his vision so they were stumbling around in the club like idiots.

KoJo took a seat on of the spinny bar stools and spun around  until it was facing the stage. She knew she was going to be ignored most of the night, and she wasn't sure why she had come in the first place. 

Well she did know. Despite not liking Bobby that much, he did know some cool, older people which could give her a leg up with the Fab Five. If she could perhaps get to be friends with, or even just claim she's apart of a crowd, they may accept her into their group thinking she had some connections.

KoJo watched as Bobby and Hannah disappeared backstage, and sat idly watching the bar. She looked at her watch and saw it was 7:45 pm. She asked the bartender where the bathroom was and if she could watch her purse.

KoJo followed the bartender instructions and wandered to where she had seen Bobby and Hannah disappear to moments ago.

She walked down the hall, hearing some lively voices coming from a room. She peaked in and saw Hannah, Bobby and people she didn't recognize. She passed the room and walked to the end of the hallway and still couldn't find a bathroom.

She huffed, and began her trek back to the bar when a tall, slim, pale figure dressed in all black stepped out of the room she saw Bobby and Hannah in.

KoJo felt her social anxiety start to set in. Despite always trying to maintain a cool exterior, talking to boys made her very nervous. Particularly tall and intimidating ones like the one approaching her now. She kept walking trying to avoid his very direct gaze as kept coming closer.

"Are you lost?", he asked stopping in front of her. 

KoJo looked up to see his face twisted in confusion and disbelief. He was gazing her up and down, and KoJo took a moment to do the same. 

He looked like he was about 6'2, large frame, probably the same age as her, and had the typical punk 90's boy hairstyle which was jet black and contrasted greatly with his alabaster skin. He wasn't bad looking, but you definitely would have to have eccentric taste in men to like him.

"They play house music like on the other side of town not here", he continued.

KoJo's brow puckered into a frown and she cocked her head to the side.

"What are you talking about", she said. "I'm here to listen to Bobby and his band, and at the current moment I am trying to find the bathroom."

His eyebrows lifted in surprise, and he looked her over again before pointing down the hall. "The bathroom's on the left. You probably missed it because the door is black like the wall."

KoJo turned on her heel without another word and made her way down the hall. He was right, the bathroom door was the same color as the wall, and she pushed open the door casting a glance back at him. He was making his way down the hall in the opposite direction.

KoJo shook her head, mad at his initial reaction as if she didn't belong there or something.

She decided to forget his reaction and instead check her hair. Since this morning, she had changed the large braids going over the side of her head to three small ones on the left side of her head, leaving a large number of her bushy curly hair out. She checked her hair in the mirror real quick and went to pee.

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