Chapter 10 East Coast Schemers

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History has to be the most ridiculously boring subject ever, KoJo thought as she angrily flipped through the thick volume trying to study for her upcoming test, but after a few more lines of reading, KoJo threw the book to the side and opened her computer. Logging on to AOL messenger, she opened her chat. Before she could even start searching for who was on , a message popped up on her screen.

IzKristin: Hey girl its Kristin

Kort82: Hey! Long time no talk. How are you?

IzKristin: Good!

IzKristin: Well...

Kort82: ?

IzKristin: Jack and I kind of broke up

Kort82: Really? I thought it was just sex?

IzKristin: Still, it hurts...I didn't see it coming. He said he found someone new.

Kort82: Aw Kristin I'm sorry.

IzKristin: Good things don't last forever I guess. Plus I should've known. He is a known player.

IzKristin: I wish I knew who it was so I could warn her that he's no good

Kort82: yeah

IzKristin: I know you and Meg are close. Did she say anything about who it may be?

Kort82: No, had dinner with them a couple of nights ago. No sign of a new woman to me.

IzKristin: Hmmm... well if you ever find out please tell me!

Pssh, I'm not starting any drama like that, KoJo thought to herself. Was Kristin crazy?!

IzKristin: And whatever you do, don't go out with him. Good dick does not equal good lover.

Wow, what the heck!, KoJo thought. What kind of advice is that?

Kort82: Thanks for the advice....

IzKristin: Okay gotta go. Starting my shift at Starbucks at the mall. Come in and I'll give ya a free drink.

Kort82: Sweet! Might have to take you up on that!

IzKristin: Yeah, Hannah is welcome too :) Toledos!

Odd girl, but nice, KoJo thought. Hannah's icon flashed on her screen and KoJo opened her chat messenger.

Kort82: Hey doll! Say we head over to Starbucks and get free drinks. Kristin offered.

HanxBob4evr: I'm down! What time?

Kort82: Like 1PM or so. Still go this stupid test to study for.

HanxBob4evr: Ugh who studies on a Saturday morning?

Kort82: People who want to go to college....

Kort82: Did you know Jack and Kristin "broke up"

HanxBob4evr: .........they were never dating

Kort82: Hence the quotation marks

HanxBob4evr: Well Jack is woman free. You should ask him to Spring Formal.

Kort82: I am WAY too scared to ask him. I mean Spring Formal is so kiddie...he's like a grown man.

HanxBob4evr: Correction...he is a grown man and I think he likes you. No..I know he likes you. Didn't you feel it at dinner the other day?

Kort82: I mean I guess...his heart was pounding when he was teaching me drums.

HanxBob4evr: See the effect you have on him!!!

Kort82: I don't know...never had an "effect" on anyone before

HanxBob4evr: Forget Starbucks for right now. Pack your shit, we are taking a trip to Meg's house to get her for Starbucks...aka flirt with Jack. I'm calling her right now.

KourtCourt82: C U L8R


KoJo felt the familiar panic that she had three days ago as Hannah rang the doorbell to Jack and Meg's house.

The door opened and lo and behold, a beautiful, alabaster Jack stood in its frame staring down at them.

"Jack-y!" Hannah bellowed throwing her thin arms around  him for a few seconds before Jack pulled back giving her peculiar look.

"What I'm glad to see you" Hannah said to Jack, who nodded suspiciously. "So is KoJo. She's been dying to see you since that drum lesson you gave her a couple nights ago."

"Hannah..."KoJo muttered throwing Hannah a death glare. "Hey Jack! Nice to see you again."

Jack gave KoJo a shy smile and said "Hey."

After a few moments of staring at her, he finally said "Come in. Meg's not ready yet though."

The girls followed Jack into the living room. KoJo took this time take a good look at his backside. Jack was HUGE. He was at least 6'2 and had such a muscular, athletic frame. He probably could pick the thin, frail KoJo up with one finger.

"Hey Jack we're going to Starbucks wanna come?" Hannah asked.

Jack sat down in an armchair and shook his head no focusing on the television in front of him.

"Oh come on, don't be a killjoy. KoJo is dying for you come with us."


Jack shifted his dark eyes from the T.V. and onto KoJo's face. If KoJo could have turned into putty she would. Goodness gracious did he have a penetrating gaze!

"If KoJo wants me to come, she can ask me herself" Jack said, his eyes gazing down KoJo's body, even though he was talking to Hannah.

KoJo felt her knees going weak and her hands beginning to tremble, if he kept staring like this, she was going to pee herself.

"It'll be fun!" she said shakily,  forcing a smile. "Kristin offered free drinks to everyone."

KoJo wondered if she should have included that part.  If he had broken off whatever it was that him and Kristin had going on, he most certainly didn't want to see her.

Jack shrugged standing up from his place. "I'll get my coat and Meg."

As he sauntered upstairs, Hannah turned to KoJo and said with a devilish smirk on her face "Let the games begin."

The Great White Hope {Jack White}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora