Chapter 5 Willie's

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"Your pretty good looking for a girl", he said his hazel brown eyes roaming her face, taking in all her beauty.

They were sitting at the bar of the club. He was smoking a cigarette and had a shot of Jack Daniels. KoJo, like a lame, was sitting there watching him, wondering how she could be so lucky to get his attention. What had changed, why was he being so nice. Why was he being so sexy!

"I'm alright I guess", KoJo said shrugging her shoulders. "You are the one whose got every girl in here in love with you."

He sniffed out a love and looked down at his drink. "They were making eyes at Bobby not me sweetheart."

"Not true."

"Wanna go back to my place?", he asks his hazel eyes boring into hers again.

KoJo's heart immediately began pounding. No, she was not ready for that yet.

"I-uh, Jack I have never been with..."

"Just forget it, you are too young anyway."

With that, Jack blows cigarrette smoke in KoJo's face, causing her to choke on the fumes, and walks away from her and out of the club.

Mortified, KoJo looks around at all the people staring at her and whispering stuff like, "what she's doing here", "she's so young", and "little girls are starting early these days".

To get away from their whispers and stares, she jumps down from the bar stool. Feeling alot shorter than what she thought, she gets a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the bar stand, and sees her 6 year old self! Afro puffs and all.

Little KoJo ran out of the club as fast as she could. As if sounding the alarm of some type of criminal, there was a ringing sound. KoJo covered her eyes as she made her way down the dark street. 


At the sound of her name, KoJo's eyes flew open. She let out to two shaky, loud breaths and sprung up. What a nightmare!


KoJo realized it was her mom calling her and she bounded out of her queen size bed.  She peaked into the full size mirror of her room. She was big KoJo again. She sighed a relief, realizing that scenario was just a dream.

"Coming!", she shouted racing downstairs to the kitchen.

"Phone call dear", KoJo's mom said handing her the white wireless receiver.

"I should really get my own line you know", KoJo said taking the receiver from her mom.

Her mom and rolled her brown eyes and went back to what she was doing.

"Hello", Kojo said into the receiver.

"Hey KoJo", Hannah's voice cooed into the receiver. "Bobby and Max are going record shopping today. They invited you along."

Feeling giddy over this type of acceptance, KoJo quickly agreed and went to shower and get ready. She realized it was nearly twelve and that she had slept in for a long time. She quickly undressed and turned on the hot water tap of her shower.

Waiting naked for it to warm up, she thought about last night. What a great way to start the weekend. KoJo didn't think she liked garage rock music, but it was really a great sound. The scene was so small and intimate and she found herself bobbing her head along to the music with people she didn't know.

There were all age groups, from teenagers to people with kids. She had met some other people like Mary, Johnny, and Mick. They were much older than her, but oozed cool. She also made friends with Kristen, this girl who was there. Kristen was bout 18 and a senior in high school. Kristen went to Cass Tech and lived in southwest Detroit. She said she lived only blocks away from Jack and Meg and that they were pretty cool.

KoJo stepped into the shower and began to lather up the Dial body wash onto her loofa. As she sudsed up, she wondered why Jack and Meg lived together. Kristen mentioned Meg as his "sister", but usually siblings do not cohabitat together. Weird.

KoJo's thoughts fluttered back to her dream. She had been excited that Jack was talking to her in her dream. I mean he was cute, but Bobby had said he was 24, divorced, had a house. He was so much more grown up than she.  KoJo felt like a little girl compared to him. She didn't know how it happened, but she was so interested in  Jack that it hurt.

Being the newcomer, everyone wanted to fill her in on the scene. And everyone last night talked fondly about Jack. It was so clear that he had so much influence and was adored. Mary talked extensively about his kindness, Mick about his musical adeptness, and Johnny went on and on about his integrity and character. KoJo couldn't believe someone could so impressionable. If she had Jack's talent in that area, she wouldn't be having to scheme her way into the Fab Five at school.

Sighing, KoJo finished her shower and got out wrapping a towel around her and wrapped it around her hair. She fished out a short leather skirt, chain belt, cheetah sweater, stockings and boots since it was cold. 

She dressed and blow dried her hair deciding to let it hang free today without any designs. After an hour or so, she heard the rumble of Bobby's Mustang and headed downstairs kissing her mom goodbye. 

KoJo got  into the car and warranted a cat call from Max who was sitting in the back seat. 

"Looking good sis", Heather cooed in the front seat. 

All the way over to the mall, Bobby blasted some tunes similar to what they played last night. KoJo had tried her best not to stare at Jack, but she couldn't help it.  He looked really good on stage, so comfortable like it was his natural habitat.

"Doesn't Jack usually come with us on these runs", Hannah quipped looking at Bobby.

Bobby sighed heavily through his nostrils and said in a flat voice, "Yeah...well...we aren't really speaking right now."

KoJo really wasn't surprised. Before the show, Jack had stormed out of the room they were sitting in and moments before it had been him and Bobby talking at the record player. She saw him at the bar minutes later, hiding from everyone. She wondered what had happened between the two, but no one dared to ask.

"Oh my gosh", Hannah groaned. "Whatever it is you two should get over it. You could feel the tension between you two on the stage."

"It was a great show nonetheless", KoJo quipped. 

"Thank you KoJo", Bobby said smiling at her through the rearview. 

KoJo smiled back, and noticed Bobby's eyes lingering on her for a moment too long.

What was that about, she thought as he sped into the mall's parking lot.

The group noisily chattered as they made their way into the mall. They headed to Willie's a music store that sold that CD's and vinyl. Their loudness caused patrons of the store to turn and look in their direction. KoJo sheepily looked among the judging eyes, and noticed two familiar hazel ones staring at them.

"Hey Jack! What are you doing here?!"

KoJo could see Bobby physically tense as he discovered Jack standing no more than a few feet from them with Kristin by his side perusing the vinyl section.

The Great White Hope {Jack White}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang