Chapter 3

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"Kat, can you get the door?" Mesut shouted from upstairs. I got up from my seat on the sofa and walked over to the front door. I quickly looked myself over, and then when I knew that I looked presentable, I opened the door.  Stood in the doorway were three men, but they weren't just any men. They were Cristiano Ronaldo, Sergio Ramos, and Marcelo Vieira. Any normal person would scream at the sight of them, but with me not knowing who they were exactly, I reacted in the normalist way I thought possible. I waved at them.

What kind of idiot, just gives professional footballers a silent wave when they first meet them?

I mentally facepalmed myself as I invited them inside.

"You must be Kathrin." Said Sergio. Sergio? Which one was which? Damn my non existant knowledge on football!

"Yes, and you are?" I asked in return. They probably weren't used to it, people not knowing who they are.

"I'm Sergio," I was right! "this is Cristiano, and this is Marcelo." He kindly introduced as they walked further into the house.

"It's nice to meet you. Do you want a drink, or anything? I make a mean martini!" I smiled as I stepped closer to the kitchen.

"I think it's a bit early for that, Kat!" smiled Mesut as he walked into the room. He greated each of the men with hugs (bro-hugs!).

"Not in my world." I said under my breath as I walked to the kitchen. I heard Mezzy chuckle behind me, so he'd obviously heard me.

I'd been in this house for a little under four hours, and already I was finding my way around.

"So, how long are you here for, Kathrin?" asked Marcelo.

"Oh, I'm not sure. I depends how long Mesut can put up with living in the same house as me!" I smiled as I replied to Marcelo.

"Not very long then!" Mezzy joked as he pulled me into a hug.

"El Classico's going to be hell next week." grunted Cristiano as he flicked the TV on.

"At least you don't have to mark Messi, I think I'm gonna be in hell more than you!" argued Sergio as he stole the remote control from Cristiano.

"Wait, aren't you on the same team?" I asked confused.

"We are. Why?" asked Sergio.

"You said you have to mark Mezzy?"

"Oh, they meant Lionel Messi, not me Mezzy." Mesut explained next to me.

"Oh! My mistake! Carry on!" I smiled as I tried to die on the sofa. Instead Mezzy pulled me into a hug, and kissed the top of my head.

"You call him Mezzy?" asked Sergio.

"Yeah, and I call him Ozii."

"That's confusing. So whenever you hear Messi, you think Mezzy?"

"That's the first time I've heard of Messi."

"Huh? Do they call him Lionel where you come from?"

"No, it's just I've never heard of him." The guys mouths flew open in shock.

"That's my girl!" Smiled Mezzy, as he attempted to squeeze me to death.

"How could you not have heard of Lionel Messi?" asked Marcelo. "He's got four golden boots, hasn't he Cristiano?!" Cristiano grunted at Marcelo and then turned his attention to the television.

Mezzy and the boys, soon decided to play Fifa, whatever that is. So, I thought that I'd take this opportunity to do some unpacking. In the spare room that Mezzy had given me, there was next to no clothes storage anywhere. So, I did what any desperate girl would do. I switched our rooms. I dragged my suitcase into Mezzy's room, and then pulled his clothes out of his wardrobe and put them in the spare room. Yeah, he wouldn't be the least bit happy with me, but it was something that had to be done. I couldn't stay in a room that didn't have space for my clothes, it just wasn't right!

It took me a total of 35 minutes to exchange rooms with Mesut. And in that space of time, the boys downstairs had successfully shouted down the house whilst playing Fifa. At some points, I thought there was a war going on.

So with my move into Mesut's room a success, I ventured downstairs. The boys were still playing there game, so I left them to it and went to explore the contents of Mesut's kitchen cupboards.

"Bye guys!" I shouted to the guys who were exiting through the front door as I ran upstairs. Yeah, I'm 23, but it's way past my bedtime. It was 12 o'clock, and I needed my beauty sleep.

"Did you find your room, Kat?" asked Mezzy as he shut the door behind the guys and then followed me up the stairs. I had to think quick.

"Umm yeah. About that?!" I smiled weakly as I turned around to face him. "The spare room has no wardrobe space. And as I am a girl, I need a wardrobe."

"What did you do?" asked Mesut, starting to get a little angry.

"I may have switched our rooms over. But don't be angry, remember, you dragged me here. So really you should have been more prepared for me coming here. So I think you should blame yourself for us being in this situation." I said whilst trying to calm him down.

"So all of my clothes are in your room?"

"Yep, and all of mine are in yours."

"Not anymore."

"Mezzy, please." I pleaded as he stormed in front of me into his room. "At least keep my dresses. They'll get creased."

"I don't care whether they get creased." He said as he came back out of the room holding all of my clothes, and shoved them into my arms, and slammed the door shut behind him. Damn, this was going to be a fun holiday!

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