Chapter 5

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When I'd asked Mesut for a ticket, I'd been expecting a seat next to some crazy screaming fan. But instead I got a seat in the plushness that was the players box. I sat beside Nagore Alonso and Irina Shayk.

I had no idea what to expect from the football match as I hadn't been to one since me and Mez went to a Dortmund match when we were 14.

The atmosphere was incredible. As soon as the teams walked onto the pitch, the stadium went wild! Once they were all ready for kick off, Mesut looked up and waved at me, which made me smile. I waved back and then took a picture with my phone. After all, I wanted these memories to last.

The game went a whole 23 minutes without much happening. Well that was me, a non football fan, saying that! There was some type of commotion going on, and Real Madrid were awarded a penalty. According to Irina her boyfriend, Cristiano, always took the penalties. But this time it was different. My very own best friend, Mesut Ozil stepped up to the spot. As soon as I saw him step up, I froze and my hand slipped over my mouth as a gasp escaped from it.

"What's he doing?" cried Irina as she jumped out of her seat. "That's Cris' job."

At that moment I woke up out of my daze and watched as Mesut executed the perfect penalty. I screamed as loud as I ever had, and I didn't hold anything back. I grabbed hold of Irina and Nagore into a hug and jumped up and down with them in my arms.

"Okay, can you let go? I could die in here!" Smiled Irina as she forced her way out and sat back down.

As I retook my seat, I looked over onto the pitch where the teams were all back in their starting positions and found Mesut staring up at me. I waved over to him and then play restarted.

After another 70 minutes the match drew to a close, with just that one goal on the score sheet. I gave the guys a few minutes before I bursted into the changing room, after all I didn't want to see anything down there! I waited a whole 3 and a half minutes before I couldn't control myself any longer. I ran through the changing room door and jumped on an unsuspecting Mesut as he pulled his top over his head.

"I'm so proud of you!" I screamed as I hugged him tight, leading us to tumble onto the floor.

"You better be proud, Cris is gonna have my head for taking away his penalty." Mesut smiled as he pulled us up off from the floor.

"It was worth it!" I smiled as I sat on Mes' seat and pulled him onto my lap. "God, you're heavy!" I grumbled as I shoved him back onto the floor.

"You two are like kids!" laughed Sergio Ramos as he sat down a few seats down from me.

"Are not!" Me and Mes shouted in unison.

"That just proves the point!" commented Sergio who now was taking his phone out of his jacket pocket. "Kat, can you take a team picture?" Sergio asked passing me his phone.

"Oh, sure. Everybody huddle!" I smiled getting up from the seat, and walked into the centre of the room. All of the team pilled in together and once I shouted at a few non-smilers, I clicked on the capture button on Sergio's phone, and then everyone began to disappear. "Sergio, can you take a picture of me and Mes?" I asked tossing my phone in Sergio's direction, luckily he caught it.

"Say cheese!" Sergio instructed as me and Mes got into position in front of my phone. Mesut had his arm around my shoulder, and I had both my arms around his waist. Once Sergio took the photo he passed it back to me and then waved us goodbye as he left. Mesut collected all of his things and then dragged me out of the changing room and into the car park. Once we were in the car, I looked through my phone and found the picture of me and Mes. The photo was perfect. And that was shocking for me because I usually looked horrible in photos! Mesut was just as perfect as usual. His smile was floorless, which as usual made me look miserable. But what made me actually look good in this photo was the fact that you could actually see in my eyes how happy I was. Plus, my hair was in perfect condition! Well done hair, you've done me proud for once in my life! When we were stopped in traffic lights, I quickly showed Mesut the picture.

"Hey, your hair actually looks good for once!" He smiled as he reached over and ruffled my hair.

"Hey, Mesut! I won't be able to get it nice again for another decade, I wanted it to last!" I shouted as I slapped him across the back of the head. "Urgh!" I huffed as I folded my arms across my chest and then slumped in the car seat. As we were just getting settled in the silent treatment, Mesut's phone went off.

"Hallo!" Mesut bellowed into the hands-free set up he had in the car.

"Halo, Mes. You got me hands free?" replied Sergio.

"Say hello to Sergio, Kat."

"Hey Sergio." I greeted as I turned up the volume of the call.

"Halo Kathrin! Look, I don't want to keep you long, but do you two want to come out with the rest of the team tonight? Antonio's Bar at 11?"

"Sure, we'd love to come, we'll see you there."

"Adios, my German friends!" Sergio said as he hung up the phone.

"Auf Wiedersehen!" Me and Mes echoed each other.

"Is Antonia's Bar casual dress?" I asked as I thought over what I should wear.

"Oh, you'll be fine in what you're wearing." Mesut glanced over at me.

"Fine in what I'm wearing? I'm wearing you're hand-me-down football jersey."

"Yeah, and that's fine."

"Fine? Are you kidding me?"

"Fine! Put on a nice skirt to go with it then."

"Are you saying there is something wrong with my jeans?"

"I just can't win with you, can I?!"

"Never have, never will!"

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