Chapter 12

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Mesut drove me to the interview, saying that I wanted to help me achieve my dreams, my aspirations. But with him driving me to the interview, meant arriving there twenty-five minutes before-hand so that he could arrive at training on time. A factor that made me wish that Mez wasn't so persistent in his wishes and had allowed me to drive my own car. I'd also have to walk home or get the bus, and I didn't even know what bus to catch. Damn you, Mesut.

My early arrival gave me to time to check out the restaurant. I could imagine myself working here. It was homely, memories were created here, first dates, break-ups, make-ups, the whole lot. And I couldn't wait to be a part of it.

The interview went well, and they offered me the job on the spot. As I walked out of the restaurant, I couldn't contain my excitement and messaged Mesut straight away.

I was just walking down the street when my phone rang, it was Mesut.

"Kat, congratulations!" Mez shouted into the phone. And that's when everybody else chimed in, I must have been on speakerphone.

"Well done, Baby!" of course that was from Karim.

"Vamos!" from Sergio, and more greetings from the rest of the clan. Damn, these boys made me smile!

"I'll come and pick you up, I'll just get dressed." Eww, that meant I was speaking to a bunch of naked Real Madrid players, great, remind me not to touch Mesut's phone ever again. "We'll all go out and celebrate!"

"All? Sergio, can you bring Addie and Nando?" I quickly asked before Mesut could hand up on me.

"Sure thing, Kat. He's been dying to see you!" And with that the call ended.


When you're getting picked up by a bunch of Real Madrid players in sporty, ultra expensive cars, you expect to not have to wait long. Wrong. Following the phone call it took over twenty minutes for them to arrive. I thought footballers were meant to break the speed limit? Apparently my lot didn't.

I saw Cristiano in him Lamborghini first, waving to me as he drove right past me. Rude. Karim was next in his Bugatti Veyron. He pulled up alongside me, and just as I was about to get into the passenger seat, the sound of another car horn stopped me. Mesut was parked behind Karim in his sleek Ferrari. Mez took off his sunglasses in order to make eye contact with me, and gestured for me to get into his car instead of Karim's. I quickly waved through the window at Karim and then jogged over to Mesut's waiting Ferrari.

"Don't ever get into his car, Kat." Mesut warned as I closed the door behind me.

"Why?" I wondered back, but before he could reply, I got my answer played right in front of my eyes, Karim speeding off in the distant, with tyre marks leaving the only evidence that his car had ever gone under the speed limit. Maybe Karim was up to my expectations of a high speeding driver after all! "Oh."

Mez smiled as I buckled up, and then he continued to drive in the direction that Cristiano and Karim had gone in.

"We're going to this bar, we like to go there when we win matches, I think you getting a job deserves the same celebration!" He explained as we rolled through the streets. Though I wasn't quite sure whether he was being genuinely honest about the level of success that my new job brought, it felt nice that someone was celebrating something that I had done for a change.


We arrived at the bar around five minutes later, and I was blown away. The whole team were there. We entered into the room as a whole chorus of congratulations sounded. Anyone would have thought that we were announcing an engagement or something, not a new job. Oh well, at least the team care!

The room was surrounded with familiar faces, many of whom had wet hair, obviously from my boys pulling that out of the changing room before they had enough time to perfect their latest hairstyle. However, Cristiano must have ignored Mez, as his hair was perfectly gelled back. How could I ever doubt Cristiano leaving anywhere without perfect hair?! My mistake obviously.

I looked around the room and noticed that someone was missing. Sergio.

"Hey, where's Sergio?" I asked Marcelo as I hugged him and greeted the rest of the gang.

"He went home to collect the family, as per your request." Karim smiled as he engulfed me in a hug that lasted far too long. Little Nando, I couldn't wait to get him into my arms.

"Yay!" I happy danced over to the bar and ordered myself and Mesut a drink. "Two orange juices, please."

"Wow, wait, this is meant to be a celebration! Give the lady some champagne." Karim said as he came up behind me and offered the barman a wedge of cash. "That should cover it." He smiled. "What's a celebration, when there's no drunken kiss?" Karim leaned closer to me, staring at my lips.

"Na ah, none of that please." Mesut said as he came to my rescue, grabbing my shoulders and taking me in another direction. I giggled and then smiled as I spotted Sergio walking through with Addie at his side and Nando in his arms.

I rushed over to them and claimed Nando as my own.

"Aww, my little baby! I hear that you've missed me!" I smiled as I squished my face into his.

"Where did you hear that?" Sergio questioned as he handed Nando's bottle to me as I sat down.

"What? You told me on the phone, when I asked you to bring him." I replied with a voice of authority as I positioned Nando correctly in my arms.

"Huh? Oh, that. I was talking about Mesut." He smiled and then walked away.

Mesut? He was dying to see me?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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