Chapter 10

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The next four days are going to drag on forever, Mesut and the team are in Mallorca for a match. This means that I have no Mesut, no Karim, no Marcelo, no nobody. Hence the fact why I spent most of the first day sat in front of the television watching some sad and tragic romantic comedies, which instead of of making me crying as they should, they made me laugh. I guess that really showed how tragic they were. But then again, I suspect it was down to the fact that everything that the actors was saying was in Spanish. I language that sounded like a jumble of letters to my foreign ears.

On the second day I had a visitor. At first I had thought that the tanned woman was one of Mesut love interests, but then I noticed the baby in her arms, baby Fernando.

"¡hola, you must be Kathrin. I'm Adrianna, Sergio's girlfriend." greeted  Adrianna as she held her hand out for me to shake.

"Please call me Kat, and hello there Mr Fernando! How's my favourite baby today?" I smiled as I bent my legs to become level with Fernando.

"You know Fernando?"

"Sergio bought him with us on a shopping trip. I fell in love with the little guy as soon as I got him in my arms!"

"He's like that, he's got me and Sergio wrapped around his little finger."

"Haha, oh sorry, come on in. Do you want a drink? Tea? Coffee?"

"Do you have any ice tea? I've been addicted to it since having Nando!"

"Yeah sure, I think Mesut has some in the fridge. So what brings you here?" I hurried into the kitchen with Adrianna following behind.

"I'm not gonna lie, Sergio sent me."

"Of course he did."

"Apparently Mesut is worried about you being all on your own. He thinks that you're going to be sat in front of the sofa watching a chick-flick."

"Oh please, that was so yesterday. Today I'm making new friends." I smiled as I passed Adrianna her ice tea, and stole little Fernando out of her arms and craddled him in my own.

"You're great with him."

"You're lucky I haven't stolen him already, I want one so bad!!"

"You only see him when he's sleepy, when he's wide awake, you can steal him away, please!"

"She doesn't mean that baby! She loves you."

"So have you heard anything from Mesut?" she asked as she tried to changed the topic.

"You know, you're meant to say that you love him, Fernando will get sad."

"He knows I love him, at least he should after all of the pain I went through when I had him. So has he called?"

"He called to say that they had landed. Nothing else."

"Really? Sergio made it sound like you and Mesut were constantly talking, like you couldn't bare to be appart."

"I wish! Mesut is focused on his career. Nothing will get in his way."

"You'd be surprised."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing. It will become clear eventually, anyway, ummm, do you have anything that I can eat?" Adrianna grinned as she successfully drifted away from the conversation.

"What do you fancy?"

Two hours later and we'd succesfully become the best of friends. We'd discussed everything from Addie's career, as well as mine, her relationship with Sergio, her pregnancy, then how me and Mesut had grown up together.

"That's cute! I'd love to still be friends with someone from my childhood." Addie smiled at the sleeping Fernando in my arms and then looked at a picture of me and Mesut as kids that I'd found on my phone. We were both seven years old in the picture, we were both wearing matching football kits of Schalke 04, a team near our home town. The photograph was one that I would cherish forever, mostly down to the fact that it was from one of the only times in my life when I was taller than Mesut.

"Are you not in contact anymore?"

"We lost contact, and now that I'm famous, I'd worry they are only with me for the fame, and money."

"Surely you were close enough back then, for you to trust them now?"

"I wouldn't know where to look even if I did."

"I guess me and Mezzy were just lucky."


"I guess, yeah, I guess it was fate! Ha!"

"Excuse me if I overstep the mark, but is there anything going on with you two?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, are you guys more than friends?"

"Me and Mesut? Together? That's crazy." I smiled as the thought floated around in my head.

"Well I best be off, Nando needs a feed and then I need a shower. I'll see you soon. Text me!" She gathered Nando from my arms and then walked to the door waving as she closed it behind her.

Me and Mesut? Together? Mesut. Me. Together. Together.

Was it really that crazy?

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