Chapter 6

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Once we'd gotten to the restuarant, the sibling bickering between me and Mes finally ceased. All of the team we're surrounding one very large table, with food pilled extremly high. The only two seats remaining were side by side, meaning that I was going to have to put up with Mesut for the rest of the night.

"So you guys have all ordered?" asked Mesut as he sat in the seat that I'd just pulled out from under the table for myself.

"Yeah, but don't worry, we ordered enough for you as well!" smiled Iker as he gestured to the amount of food that covered the table. As if anyone could miss it!

"Oh, is Adrianna not here? I was hoping Kat could meet her." Mesut shouted over to Sergio.

"She's gotten to the stage where she can't be seen out of the house. She thinks she's fat." Sergio explained as he got out his phone and passed it over to Mesut. "You should come around later and see Fernando, he's grown so much since you last saw him."

"He's obviously got his good looks from his mother!" Mesut smiled as he looked at the picture and then passed the phone to me to have a look. The baby on the screen, was probably the cutest thing that I'd ever seen. His little cheeks were red and chubby, and he was wearing a top that said 'I love SR4', and with me being the idiot that I am, I just had to ask

"What's SR4?" I asked as I passed the phone over to Sergio.

"Me. Sergio Ramos, and my shirt number is 4. Like how Cristiano is CR7." Sergio explained with a smile on his face as he placed his phone back in his pocket.

"So is Adrianna the mother?" I whispered to Mesut not wanting to get anymore embarrassed.

"Yeah, she won an Oscar a few months past."

"What for?"

"One Blink, One Blind."

"I never got to see that. Was it good?"

"She got an Oscar for it, of course it was good!" Mesut smiled as I lightly hit my head at the fact that I had actually asked whether it was good after hearing that she had won an Oscar through it. "You and Adrianna are gonna be best friends."

"How do you know that?"

"Because you two are so similar. When she and Sergio first moved in together, she produced a map to find her way around their house. I swear you two were separated at birth!"

"That's hilarious!"

"I could see you doing something like that!"

"Ye-, hey!" I exclaimed as I lightly hit Mesut's arm.

"And they're at it again!" Joked Sergio from across the table.

Later, we all migrated to the nightclub just down the road. I danced with all of the team for most of the night. The rest was spent downing shots whilst lying on the bar.

I was a terrible drunk. Absolutely terrible. One sip of an alcoholic drink, and I was gone. That's actually how I met Toby. I'd passed out at the bar once, and he'd carried me to my apartment, and whilst I was unconscious he'd exchanged our phone numbers. For the following week, her persistently phoned me, and asked me for a date. Much to my regret now, I eventually agreed to going out on a date with him.

"MESUT! DANCE WITH ME!" I shouted in my drunken state as I pulled Mes towards the dance floor.

"Kat, I think you should sit down." Mes instructed as he tried to drag me back to our seats at the bar.

"Ozii, don't do that. You know that I won't get back up again." I argued as I span around trying to get back onto the dance floor.

"KATHRIN!" Mesut shouted, "stop, sit, and please sleep!" Mesut placed me down in a seat where our drinks were and then sat down beside me.

As we all left the club, the guys arranged to go out the next day.

Little did I know that I was invited as well!

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