Chapter 4

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I just couldn't help feeling bad. I'd barged into his own house, and claimed his room as my own. We hadn't seen each other for years, I shouldn't have sprang my old ways on him that quickly.

But he had invited me. He'd basically pleaded with me to come back to Madrid with him. So in a crazy way, he had brought this all on by himself.

"I'm sorry Mez." I whispered as I turned over in my bed. I let sleep find me, even if it wasn't welcomed.

I'd finished early for the day. My boss had decided to reward me for all of my hard work on the new addition, so had let me have the afternoon off. So, I decided to surprise Toby at our appartment. I knew that Maggie was staying at the minute, but she would have probably had to go into work. I jumped out of my car, and ran towards the appartment building. I typed in the code for the door alarm, and then bounced up the stairs with a grin on my face. He wouldn't see it coming!

"Maggie, do you think she's ever going to realise?"

"Who cares? We'll be together no matter what?"

"I love you, Maggie."

"I love you, Toby!"

I gasped as I turned around and backed up against the wall leading to my apartment. My best friend and my fiance. I looked through the gap in the door, and saw their hands all over each other. Pain filled my body everywhere. I cried out and slumped down onto the floor.

"What's that?" Asked Toby, he's obviously heard my heels hit the wooden floor outside of our appartment.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter." I heard Maggie whisper, but I also heard the footsteps of Toby approaching. I quickly got my act together, and got up of the floor and hid out of view. I left it until I heard Toby close the door, and then I ran down the stairs of my appartment building.

I awoke screaming at recalling that horrible moment. Mesut burst into the room and pulled me into his arms.

"Kat, what's wrong? What happened?" He asked as my tears began to stain his top.

"It was just a dream." I tried to tell myself. But it wasn't just a dream, it was reality. That had really happened. The man who had once been the love of my life, had indeed cheated on me.

"Katty, tell me what happened." He whispered as he began rocking me back and forth.

"He hurt me so much. He hurt me so much, Mez." Mesut pulled me tightly towards him and kissed the top of my head.

"It's alright Kitty Kat, let it all out." I looked up from his shoulder and peered up to his face.

"Please don't call me that." I smiled at him in anger and then placed my head back on his shoulder.

"But it got your mind off of things, didn't it Kitty Kat?!" Mesut smiled as ruffled my hair.

"Mesut Ozil, get out of my room! NOW!" I shouted as I pushed him away, leaving him to fall onto the hard wooden floor of my bedroom. Being the fabulous friend that I am, I just laughed it off and rolled over in my bed so that I was facing away from where he fell.

"Thanks for your help, Kitty Kat." sighed Mezzy as he got up from the floor and walked to the door.

"No problem, man!" I smiled to myself before drifting back off to sleep.

I woke up at 8 o'clock, without experiencing another nightmare, or realitymare, should I say? After showering I pulled on my underwear (the usual bra and knickers) and then rummaged through the pile of clothes that Mesut had so rudely thrown at me.

"Kat, I'm just getting some clothes." Mesut shouted as he entered my room. He then paused and looked at my almost naked figure. "Good God, Kat! I thought you were in the shower!" He shouted again and then turned around.

"Mezzy, it's alright. Calm down." I said soothingly as I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder. "With us living in the same house, we're bound to each other naked at some point! Or maybe your innocent eyes are just too innocent." I laughed as I punched him in the shoulder.

"Oh, my eyes are not innocent, thank you very much."

"Oh yeah?"

"Are you challening my innocence?" asked Mezzy putting on an offended expression.

"Goodness no! I know what you and Alisha used to get up to!" I smiled as I pulled on a top from off of the floor.

"Me and Alisha never did anything. She never wanted to."

"Ouch! The great Ozil got rejected!"

"I did not!" I smiled at his obvious response, of course he'd deny it! I smiled and jumped onto my bed and stood on the bed so that for once in my life I was actually taller than Mesut.

"How come you're allowed to walk around without a shirt or trousers on?" I asked as I pointed to his six pack. Did I mention that he was shirtless, and only wearing briefs.

"This is my house. My rules."

"My room, my rules. So get out!"

"My clothes?"

"Oh yeah! Are you going to training?" I asked as I jumped off the bed and ran to the wardrobe.

"Yeah, we've got Malaga the day after tomorrow."

"Have fun!" I smiled as I threw his clothes at him and then pushed him out of my room. "And don't forget about getting me a ticket. I want to see if the Great Ozil still has his skills."

"Are you doubting the German's again?"

"I wouldn't dare!" I laughed as I shut the door behind him.

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