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Really bugging to get this done so I can write a fic about Liebgott but I know if I create it now then I'll abandon this - I know myself way too well. I have another really good idea for a BOB fic too. On a side note, how are you enjoying already gone? I have a brief idea of where it's going and I hope it satisfies you every despondent need.

Word count; 2,341


We approached the side of the house, a part of the veranda I hadn't sought out before but he knew like the back of his hand. I leant against the fence which lined the edge of the patio, the white paint slowly peeling away. Eugene hovered a couple metres away, crossing one arm over the other. We both wanted to say something - anything - but didn't know where to start. How could we?

"There hasn't been a second where I haven't thought of you."

The medic chuckled, "Really?"

"Why would I lie?" I referenced how he noted my lack of skill in that department.

"Well... I can think of a few,"

"I don't want to lie."

"You don't?"

I hoped he understood the meaning behind this all, "Why would I?"

He did: "Do you think I want to?"

"I don't know what to think."

"Because, Valentina, I'll be completely honest with you," Eugene spared a teethless smile. "When I saw you standing there, in front of everyone, you don't know how much I wanted to run up to you and kiss you."

My whole frame softened. Even if this was a type of charm which he had mastered, I stumbled over it and would do so again blindly.

"So why didn't you?" I gushed.

"Well, you know me. I don't like to kiss girls without their permission and what if you had said no?"

"Why would I say no?"


"Every time I see you, I feel like throwing myself at you. That's how bad it is."

He laughed, rawly too.

"I mean..." I looked to my left as a burst of laughter collected around the front of the veranda. "I like that only we know. There is a sense of-"

"Scandal?" He jested, fluttering his eyelashes.

I rolled my eyes, "But someone does know."


"At least I think so,"

"Tell me."


Eugene slowly bobbed his head, expecting it to be someone else. "You're sure?"

"He was on the bank that day. When we..."

The medic smirked, "Say it."

"Do you just wish to intimidate me?"

"Not at all." His smirk widened. "I just want to hear you say it."

"He was on the shore, the day I kissed you."

"I think it was the other way 'round."

I grinned, "No, I don't think so."

"Want me to disprove it?"

"Hey Doc!" A voice beckoned from around the corner. "Dammit, I swear if he ain't here, I'm gonna- there you are!"

We both looked down the patio, Heffron surfacing from the shadows.

𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞; eugene roe ✔Where stories live. Discover now