This is important

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Peter closed his watch. He sat down and started drawing the designs for his project. He wanted to make this as perfect as possible.


Peter finished his design drawing and decided that he was going to talk to Wanda. Pietro was really worried about her. Peter went straight to Wanda's room and knocked. Peter waited for someone to open the door.

Pietro opened the door wearing only shorts. Peter immediately stared straight ahead. Pietro looked at Peter confused.

"What's up?" Pietro asked.

"I was wanting to talk to Wanda," Peter told him. Pietro turned around and said something in Sokovian. Wanda stepped out of their bedroom. 

"Hey, What's up?" Wanda asked nervously.

"I was just wanting to know if you had a minute to talk to me in my room," Peter asked her politely. She looked unsure.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything, I just want to talk to you about something," Peter reassured her.

"Okay, I guess, can Natasha come?" Wanda asked nervously.

"Of course, If you want, I can go get her real quick," Peter told Wanda. Wanda nodded. They both walked towards Peter's room, stopping at Natasha's first. Peter knocked on her door, and Natasha immediately opened it. 

"Yes?" Natasha asked.

"Um, Wanda wanted you to be with her," Peter told her.


"I need to talk to her about something,"

"I'll go with her later," Natasha responded

"Ms. Romanoff, this is important," Peter told her quietly.

"Okay, give me a second," Natasha said before going back into her room and coming back out again. Peter led them both to his room, and let them in first.

"You guys can sit on the couch, it's really soft," Peter told them. Wanda and Nat both take a seat on the couch. Peter closed the door behind him, before taking a seat on his beanbag chair.

"What's this about?" Natasha asks.

"Wanda, I want you to know that you can tell me anything, and I can't tell anyone but people you want me to," Peter started. Wanda looked over at Natasha scared.

"Why? What's going on?" Natasha asked.

"Someone has told me that you've been distancing yourself, and you haven't been eating and sleeping regularly," Peter told them. Wanda looked at the ground.

"And I want to hear from you what's going on in your mind," Peter told her. Natasha looked worried for a second.

"I don't know what you mean," Wanda answered.

"Wanda? You can trust him." Natasha told her. Wanda sighed.

"I can't sleep," Wanda admitted.

"Why not?" Peter asked.

"Because when I do all I see is the pain I've caused, and all I hear is screams," Wanda admitted trying not to cry. Peter thought about what to say for a minute.

"I know one person in particular that could help you with that if you'd be willing," Peter offered. Wanda looked hopeful,

"That'd be nice," Wanda said.

"Now that we have a solution for that, tell me about why you aren't eating right," Peter suggested. Wanda looked sad as she mumbled her response.

"What?" Peter asked.

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