He said why you so short

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I met August !!!!
Here's the story we pull up to the university and he just ended and I'm like aw man missed it and I saw him get in a van and people were like bye August and I was like mom that's his van let's follow it so we followed it and we ended up at the hotel and I walked in and he was standing there just talking to his dancers and stuff and big t his boy guard stepped up and said woah what's your name and all that and I said Maya can I take a picture please he was like not right now he's talking and I was like when and he said in a lil but I gotchu and he could tell I was a big fan and stuff I was wearing my jacket that had a pic August on the back of it anyway he was like aye aug can you uh say hello to lil Maya over here and he walked over to me he was like u need a high lil Maya and I was like omg and he took my phone and we took pictures he was like why you so short I was like and your tall and yeah it was amazing he hugged my mama too his voice is amazing and soft and OMG !!! I love you August

August Alsina imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora