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Jaii i hope you enjoy your imagine with August , if yall want an image go look at my part that says thank ya .

No pov

"Babe you ready? " August says

"Of course" jaii says

They put there mask on and entered the bank

"This is a mf stick up everybody put the wallets on the ground and out yo hands up don't try no shit cuz I ain't afraid to bust a cap" jaii says

"Aye lady give the combo to open this safe " August

"I - I don't know" the lady says stuttering

"Lady don't fwm(f with me) " August says cocking his gun

"Okay 5827"

August opened the safe as jaii was done collecting the wallets she came in and helped but August stopped

"I collected they phones so nobody could call the police and I disarmed the emergency buttons-
Jaii was saying but got cut off by August kissing her

"August what are you doing "
Jaii says slightly moaning

"Listen babe I timed this the cops prob come in 2 mins if we can do a one min quickie we can make it to the car with just enough time to leave "
He began to squeeze jaii ass

"Okay f-fine"

A couple of seconds later

"Ugh August "

"Mhmm shit jaii"

Once they were done they grabbed the bags of money and headed to the car once safely in the car they drove off and took off their mask and kissed

"We did it baybeh"

"Yes we did "

Hey idk if that was freaky and thuggish for u but hope u like it 😂

August Alsina imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now