wake up baby

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I was currently in New York City , Madison fucking Square garden performing Numb and I was feelin it and then a sudden wave of stress came over me . I began to feel light headed ,dizzy , soon started to loose my balance.i fell of the stage and my guards crowded around me , I saw Big T signal to cut the music off . That's all I remember before I blacked out

Vanessa Pov

I was scrolling through my newsfeed on Instagram and I see a video of AUGUST . Man I love seeing my baby do his thing , wish I could've went but AUGUST wouldn't let my pregnant ass move too much. I pressed play on the video August was singing doing his thing an then boom my baby fell and I didn't see him get back up. Tears began to form in my eyes as I thought about me having to raise our son without AUGUST . I then got a call from Travis AUGUST half brother .


"Hey baby sis listen you gotta come to New York City ASAP , book s flight pack some clothes for yourself cause AUGUST was in a little accident but I think he'll be ok , he's in the hospital right now and we are in the waiting room I'll text you the address when you get here. I love you"

"Thanks I love you too"

He hung up I got on my computer and booked a flight to Manhattan and Laid on the couch thinking about AUGUST , just wondering , is my baby ok .

Part 2 or nahh

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