August imagine #15

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August POV

Today's my birthday! It's 1:30am and Yn has been out every night these past few days and coming in at 2am.She says she's out with the girls but I don't believe her. It's like she doesn't care about me anymore. Here she comes now

Yn opens the door with her keys

Yn-heyyyy baby

She sound drunk

Me-hey where u comming from

Yn-the club with the girls

Me-mhm u know what today is


Me-my birthday

Yn-o yea cool

Me-wow Yn

Yn-let's talk about this but I wanna go outside its calmer and beautiful

Me- I guess

We go outside and she closes the door

Yn-I'm sorry I forgot ur birthday but I really didn't I knew it was today all along


Yn-uk I love u and here go take ur birthday present for a spin

She throws me keys. They are fucking Bugatti keys bro !

Me-where u get Bugatti keys from

Yn-I've been out late cause I needed to fill out paper work for the car and find spaces to hide the Bugatti

Me-o babe I'm sorry

Yn-it's Ight I'm sorry too

Me- now let's go ride in that Bugatti

Yn-Leggo !☺️❤️💁

August Alsina imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now