Chapter Three

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Mike has taken me in just for an illusion. The story is that my parents died and he is my godfather so I came here to live with him and his son Wade.

When the principal heard my story he gave me sympathy and said that if things get too tough for me I could talk to the counselor the school had.

I just looked at him and Mike said, "She's not a big talker. But I can promise you you won't regret her being here,"

"Sure you do know the rules and school's uniform?" the principal asked

"Yes," I said

"This is a good school with a good reputation so don't fuck it up," He said and I just nodded my head.

"Your cousin or brother whatever can show you around. Your books have already been placed in your locker and here is your schedule," He said

Mike left and Wade showed me to my first class

"You're late," The teacher said

"Sorry Mrs Ginny my cousin is new here and we were in the principal's office getting her things sorted," Wade said

"Name?" Mrs Ginny asked

"Mia Dezbi," I said

"Great your Italian so you won't be needing extra help," She said rudely

I scoffed and went to the back with Wade. A jock came up to us and smiled at me

"Hey, hotness. Wade why didn't you tell me you had such a hot cousin?" the guy asked

"Fuck off Brian," The guy in front of us said

"Oh come on Alessio aren't you a bit curious about this girl? They don't look like they are siblings," Brian said

"Our parents were good friends," I said

"Were?" Allessio asked

"My parents died two weeks back in a car accident. Wade's father is my godfather and the only family I have left," I said not even faking the tears that slipped out.

"Fuck I'm sorry," Brian said

"Just fuck off," Allessio said turning around to face only me before asking "Mia right?"

"Yeah," I said

"He's Alessio. Popular because he's hot and because he has ties with the Garcia's," Wade said

"Cool but I want to keep a low profile here so do you mind turning around and never talking to me again?" I asked

"Why a low profile?" he asked ignoring me

"My parents just died I want to be alone," I said

"Okay then be alone," he said and turned to Wade before saying, "I like her. Why didn't you introduce me before?"

"Because I knew she would want to stay away from us popular kids," Wade said

"Mm, you might just want to stay with her. I get a feeling she'll make all the girls jealous enough to do something stupid," Allessio said

"Good point. I'll see you at lunch," Wade said before our teacher shushed everyone and started the lesson.


Boy, do I wish I could kill snobby rich bitches, and worse her name is Abigail Marchetti. Oh yeah, you heard me right Abigail is my cousin.

I was sitting with Wade when she and a group of other girls came to us. Wade left to go get her a drink since she asked so nicely.

"Stay away from Wade, Allessio, The Russo brothers, and the Garcia brothers," Abigail said

"Okay. One Wade is my cousin. Two I have no idea who the Russo's or the Garcia's are and Three I have absolutely no intention of ever speaking to Allessio even if he is my cousin's friend," I said

"Good because you are nobody okay just a loser nerd," Another girl said

"Anything else?" I asked looking Abigail in the eyes

She slapped me making everyone gasp and look our way

"Shit," I heard Wade say before I felt his hand on my shoulder, "Don't do anything. Her brothers,"

"Here's your drink," Wade said and gave it to her

She smiled and poured it onto my head.

"This ain't going to be good," I heard a familiar voice

I stood up and smiled at Abigail before saying, "You know what maybe I should get to know everyone a bit,"

I leaned in and whispered into her ear, "I don't care that you're a Marchetti. It makes you weak standing behind your brothers and letting them end the battles that you start. You're a pathetic whore,"

She wanted to slap me again but I grabbed her hand and heard a few stools fall down

"Mia don't be stupid let's just go," Wade said

I let her go and Ace my old friend lead me out of the cafeteria as he wrapped his jacket around me

"Damn I'm that was funny," Jack said

"I thought you to live in Spain, not Italy?" I asked

"Mom moved us here after she divorced our father," Jack said

"Do you have a pair of extra clothes?" Wade asked

"In my locker. Why didn't you tell me that the Marchetti goes to school here too and why didn't I even know my mother had siblings?" I asked as we walked

"I thought you know about your mother's two brothers that live here. They each have two kids. Three of them are still in school the other is out of school helping his father with work and stuff," Wade said

"Names?" I asked

"Your grandma and grandpa are Marco and Sofia. You are named after her. Your oldest uncle is Rocco his wife Serena died two years ago they have two sons. Adrian who's out of school and Mario who's 18

Your mother's youngest brother is Romeo. He and his wife Lorain had also two kids Carlo and Abigail. They are twins they turned 17 five weeks ago. They aren't close to the Russo's or the Garcia's," Ace said

When I was done changing we left. "Why didn't she even fucking tell them about me!!" I yelled out of frustration

"Girl you might want to be quiet," I heard a guy say

"Sorry Mr Russo," Jack said

"Mr Russo?" I asked before saying, "Sorry,"

"No worries. Have you seen my brothers?" He asked

"Cafeteria you might miss them if the bell rings," Ace said

"Thanks," He said and left

"That was Antonio," Wade said

"I know," I said before heading to our next class

Going in the teacher looked at us displeased.

"What happened with your hair? It's dripping," he said

"Abigail did that sir," Alessio said coming into the room

"I have no idea what he's talking about. I when for a win in the pool," I lied

The teacher sighed before shaking his head and saying, "You shouldn't protect Abigail. She has one strike left then she's out,"

"Yeah definitely went swimming," I said landing me straight into detention for going to the pool area unsupervised and during school hours

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