Chapter Eight

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I skipped school for a week and went back when Wade came home. As we entered police were searching everyone

"What's going on?" I asked

"Our grandfather said that our sister might be one of our friends from school," Abigail said

Wade snapped his worried eyes to me and I just took his hand

"How are you going to identify her?" I asked

"Her stepfather is here," A voice behind me said

I froze not because of my father's voice but because John is there.

"They friends of yours?" Adrian asked

"Yeah," Emiliano said

"No. Wade is not me," I said

"Doesn't matter come on," Lucas said and grabbed my hand but I didn't move

"Mia," Wade said and whisper into my ear, "He won't tell them,"

I nodded and took Wade's hand before going. As we got closer to the entrance I saw him. The guy who raped me about a month back after getting drunk as hell

John my stepfather.

Wade and I walked to the door and John looked at me carefully

"No it's not her either," John lied and smirked at me.

Wade grabbed my hand tighter and dragged me away.

"It's time Sofia now," He said

"Time for what?" my grandfather asked as he appeared from behind us

"Class sir. Excuse us," I said

"Sofia. Whatever it is you can tell us," Grandpa said

"You can't even work together ot trust each other. A month I've been watching and a month long I've been hurt watching you guys hate each other and say mean things to each other," I said and added, "Until you, all can love each other don't bother to find me,"

He froze and then looked pissed as hell. Wade and I left the room before going to our first class.

Alessio and Emiliano were there in the back but I wanted nothing to do with my family or their friends today

They just brought my mother's killer and my rapist to me making it more difficult for me to breathe.

"Sir? Mia doesn't look too good," a girl said

"Mia are you okay?" Mr. George asked

I grabbed Wade's hand and he helped me up and out of the class with Mr. George following

"Take her to the nurse," Mr. George said and continue to say something but my eyes were John's who was smirking at me

Emiliano came to stand in front of me blocking his view and I could see out the corner of my eye Alessio followed my glaze since he was glaring at John

"Sir, who's that?" Alesso said making everyone look at John

"My sister's stepfather," Emiliano said and Alesso looked at me and then back at John who came closer.

"Everything alright here?" he asked

"She's having trouble breathing," Mr. George said

"Oh my maybe I should take her to a hospital then," John said

"Like hell, we don't know you you could be an abusive rapist," Allessio said and watched me flinch which confirmed his theory

"I'll take her my care is fast," He then added and Mr. George said

As we walked to his car John followed until my grandfather stepped in front of him. Getting into Allessio's car he spun away

"Sofia breath he's not near you anymore," he said

"Following us," I said

"No that's your brother. He's smarter than he looks," Allessio said

"Which one I have 10," I said

"You have 18 brothers who are here right now in Italy," He said

"Okay?" I said

"It's Emiliano or Adrain," he said and I sank into the seat trying to calm down

"Did he rape you?" He asked

"The night after he killed my mother and the night before I left," I said

"Don't take me to a hospital please," I said

"He's not he's taking you home," I heard Giovanni's voice and I grabbed Allessio's phone seeing he had called my brother.

"Fucking asshole!!" I yelled and hit him over and over

"Jesus I'm driving!!" He yelled

"How could you?" I asked with tears in my eyes

"I'm sorry but to should be with them not your fake cousin. He can't help you they can,"

"No, they can't. John isn't working alone. He knew exactly what he was doing. He fucking killed my mother, raped me, and tried to sell me! He's not only in a gang Allessio he's in the fuck King's mafia!" I yelled

"I was trying to save my family. He knew exactly who my mother was and who I am. He will use my family against me so that the king gets more power. I ran away because he wanted to sell me to someone so that I could marry their son and then they can take my family's territory and everything from them," I said

When we stopped Dad opened the car door and pulled me into a hug. I hug I desperately needed. I started crying on his shoulder and he just held me tighter

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