Chapter Twenty-Two

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Sofia is 8 months along, she's very emotional, her ankles are swollen and she has back pain often.  Today they were going to their 34th-week check-up. So far they didn't want to know the babies' genders but Sofia changed her mind on the drive there

"Hey. How are you?" Emily asked

"Moody, hungry and sad," I said

"Why?' Liam said giving her some doughnuts

"I couldn't find any shoes that fitted me and my clothes don't fit me anymore," I whined

"Oh, Babe is that why you're wearing Lucifer's shirt and sweatpants with slippers?" Emily asked and I nodded my head pouting before hitting Lucifer and Liam who were trying not to laugh

"Her mood changes too easily. She's happy then she's sad, then angry," Lucifer said holding his arm

"Let's go in," Emily said

We went in and I lay down on the table. Bailey came in and smiled at me

"I want to know their genders," I said

"Babe we agreed not to find out," Lucifer said

"And now I'd like to know so I can prepare myself when they came out of my vagina," I said a bit annoyed

"Okay then," Bailey said smiling while Lucifer looked at me shocked and Liam and Emily tried hot to laugh

Bailey started looking and I calmed down listening to their kids' heartbeats.

"Congratulations you're having baby girls," Bailey said

"Girls?" Lucifer asked shocked and Liam added "Both of them?"

Everyone looked shocked and I frown. Why would they be shocked

"Our family is having for the first time in forever girls first?" Lucifer asked and got excited

"Have they lost their minds?" I asked Bailey

"Yeah and no. You see your family and theirs always had boys first. You are also the firstborn girl in the Garcia and Russo household in centuries. It's a miracle for them,"  Bailey said

"Oh my princesses I can't wait till you guys are here," Lucifer said

"Yeah I'll teach you not to be spoiled selfish whores," I said and Lucifer glared at me as I smiled at him

"Come on dad and the rest of waiting at the house. They said we should head over they want photos of the girls," Liam said

"Surprise them," I said and we stopped at a shop to get some pink coloured smoke bombs

We wrapped another colour over the bomb so they didn't see it before we went to dad's house.

When we stopped we were glad to see everyone was waiting outside but confused about why. When we got out Xander and Xavier opened the door from the car they were in and ran to me

I hugged them when Lucifer picked them up.

"What's going on?" Liam asked

"Boys get in the car," Melissa said

"You are not taking my kids Melissa!" Hayden yelled

"They are not yours," She said

"I raised them. They love me more than you they trust me more than you. They know I would risk my life for them!" Hayden said

"Boys get in the car now we're leaving," Melissa said and came to me and Lucifer but I stepped in front of the boys and said, "You're going to leave here alone. You will not take these boys from the people that love them more than you love them,"

"Get out of my way and hand over my kids," She said

"I'm pregnant, moody and pissed as hell bitch try me," I said

She pulled a gun out and pointed it at me making everyone else point their guns at her

"Melissa drop the gun now. Sofia had done nothing to you," Uncle Rocco said

"I lied you know about my whole life," Melissa said smiling at me

"What are you talking about?" Lucifer said and wanted to step forward but she glared at him

"I'm 21, not 42. My name is Jolene," she said making me pale

She smirk when she saw me and said, "You know me good,"

"John said you died," I said and everyone was confused

"No. He kicked me out and I got Hayden drunk so he could impregnate me. I knew he had mortals so I knew he'd marry me and wanted me to move in with him immediately," She said

"Why?" I asked

"He met your mother and you. He instantly knew you would make him richer than I could ever so he chose you over me," She said

"You want to know the funny part?" she asked

"When you just met John you had an accident and went to a hospital for almost 9 months. Your mother couldn't see you because you were harmful to everyone even when you were sedated. Or so they said. You remember nothing about that months do you?" she asked

"I had a breakdown and yes I tried to kill myself. I just broken up with Jason my first boyfriend and I couldn't remember anything else," I said

"That's because you were knocked unconscious, raped, and John made it all seem like you passed out. A week later he found out you were pregnant and made it look like you tried to kill yourself so your mother wouldn't find out. You were sent to the institute. After 9 months he did a test and found out that the kids weren't his so after birth he knew my kid died and gave those two to me so that Hayden dear dear Hayden thought it was his," She said

"Wait what?" Everyone asked

"Little miss princesses was out partying got drunk and blacked out. Jason drunk as hell did things. When he remained the next day he couldn't bare look at her and tell her he took her virginity so he dumped her and a week later she was pregnant without even knowing.

My father kept her sedated and in a mental institution so that her mother wouldn't know a thing. He paid a lot of people.

My child died a week after I found out I was pregnant but I kept up with the action and then John gave me Xander and Xavier and paid a few doctors making it look like I gave birth early. Those kids Lucifer is holding aren't mine or Hayden's they're yours," She said

"She would have been 14 you're lying," Lorenzo said

"Am I though?" she asked

I was frozen in horror. When I was 14 I spent almost a year in an intuited? Yes. Did I remember anything? No. Mom said it was for the best and that she was glad I was me again while John just smiled all the time when that topic was brought up. The twins even looked a bit like like me and Jason

I look down when my water suddenly broke and Melissa smiled before saying, "Good luck step sister. We'll meet each other in hell,"

After she said that she shot herself in front of us and the kids started crying.

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