Chapter Twenty-One

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When Sofia was asleep Julian moved away slowly. He placed some wires on Sofia's belly so that she could still hear the babies heartbeats before he and the rest left her to sleep.

"How's Lucifer," Julian asked when Liam came out of the surgery room

"We're still trying. He needs more blood," Liam said

"Sure I can," Julian said and Liam interrupted him by saying, "The fridge has enough you just stay here. I'll do my best okay,"

Liam got the blood from one guy and went back in. Hours and hours went by before the surgeon team came out.

"Lucifer is doing fine. He had a few troubles but we handled everything," Emily said

"Thank god," Everyone said

"Why on their wedding day?" Hayden asked

They put Lucifer in the same room where Sofia was sleeping before anyone could see him. They decided it would be best if Lucifer heard the babies' heartbeats and had Sofia near him when he woke up and that Sofia wouldn't stress so much since it's not good for the kids.

Sofia was still fast asleep when Lucifer woke up groaning.

"Hey Bro," Julian said smiling at his twin

"Is she okay?" was the first thing he asked

Julian just nodded his head and point to Lucifer's other side making Lucifer turn his head to see Sofia sleeping next to him.

"is that?" Lucifer asked

"Yeah the babies' heartbeats," Hayden said

Lucifer smiled and took Sofia's hand before he closed his eyes and listened. Sofia woke up not so long after Lucifer and saw him laying there next to her watching her while smiling

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you feel pain?" she started asking making him smile even more

"Why are you smiling?" she said worrying and about to cry

"I love you," He said and kissed her before wiping away her tears and saying, "I'm fine. No pain whats ever,"

She kissed him again and said, "I love you too,"

They were carefully laying in each other arms when their fathers came in with Santo.

"How are you feeling?" Sebastian asked

"Fine it doesn't hurt so much," Lucifer said and saw they all looked at Sofia who was sleeping in his arms before he said, "She's tired you should take her home this is no place for her to sleep,"

"She's not going to go. When you got shot she was in a zombie state. She didn't speak she could barely move. All she did was look at her dress and hands that were covered in your blood.

Julian thought that the kids' heartbeats would be the only thing that got her to calm down and he was right she fell asleep instantly.

She won't leave you. And do you really want her to go home to an empty house?" Santo asked

Lucifer shook his head and then looked at Santo and Sebastian before asking, "So when are you going to tell everyone?"

"Tell everyone what?" Seb asked

"That your dating," Hayden said

"What was not," Santo said

"Oh please. Lucifer and I saw how you two were touching and looking at each other at the wedding," Hayden said

"I know Sofia would be glad because then you'll really be a family," Lucifer said

"Umm, we'll tell everyone at a later date. Now isn't the time," Santo said

"You're kidding me? This news will be the best they had in a while. It would cheer up Sofia. I mean They were kidnapped on their wedding day and she saw her husband getting shot," Hayden said

"Yeah this news would be amazing to hear," Lucifer said

"We'll think about it," Seb said

"We're going to go. We'll see you two tomorrow. Your brothers and her brothers will be all downstairs in the bunkers they didn't want to leave. I on the other hand have to take Xander and Xavier home. Melissa is still angry,"

"Why did you ever marry her?" Santo asked

"She was a one-night stand and when I found out she was pregnant it seemed to be the right thing," Hayden said

"Xander and Xavier don't even like her," Lucifer said

Hayden sighed before saying, "I'll see you guys tomorrow,"

Once they said goodbye Lucifer fell asleep thinking about Sofia...

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