Chapter Ten

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I couldn't believe it I'm not even eighteen yet...

"What do you want to do?" Dad asked me

"You can keep them. Give them up for adoption or..." Uncle Santo said (I call him that since he's my brother's father)

"No. That's murder," I said

"Then we'll homeschool you. You'll have 7 or 8 months left to decide whether to keep her or him or give him or her up," Uncle Nico said

"They are family even if they had that guy's blood in them they have her blood as well as ours," Uncle Rocco said

"Where are all the boys?" I asked

"Downstairs handling some work," Dad said

"Is he here?" I asked

"Yes," Grandpa said

"We're going to move him tomorrow," Dad said

"Let's get some food in you, sweetheart," Grandma said

I just nodded my head and follow her to the kitchen. My phone started ringing and I answered it

"Where are you were worried sick," Mike said

"I'm fine I'm with my family," I said

"Is everything okay?" Wade asked

"We'll talk later," I said

"Okay," they said and hung up

"That helped you escape?" Grandma asked

"Yes, they also gave me a place to stay," I said

"A month and three weeks since you ran away from him. You've had us worried for so long," She said

"I didn't mean to worry you. I was just trying to keep you all safe," I said

"Why didn't you fight back?" Oliver asked as he sat down next to me

"I did try but he was stronger than me and when he did that he tied me up," I said

Oliver hugged me and said, "No matter what you choose we'll support you,"

A guy came in looking pale as fuck and Oliver rushed to him

"What is it, Dominic?" Grandma asked

"The kings had a bastard brother. He's the right full heir to the Mafia but his father never saw him as a son since his mother was a beggar," He said

"Who is the son?" uncle Nico asked

"Johnathan McCain," Dom said

"How do you know this?" Giovanni asked

"The oldest king Mason and his men squared us in and killed everyone except for me. He wants his brother back," Dom said

"He doesn't know about the children?" Dad asked and Dom went paler

"I'm sorry," Dom said

"Why?" Oliver asked

"They have my brother Oliver I had to," Dom said and showed us a wire

"Fuck!" Oliver yelled as Dom's phone started ringing.

He answered and placed it on speaker before saying, "You can talk,"

"What Children are you talking about Sebastian?" a deep voice asked

"Your brother raped our sister and she's pregnant," Alexander said

"Fucking Christ. We should have killed him, Mason," another guy said

"How far along is she?" Mason asked

"Two months if I'm right," Emily said

"Wait are you talking about John's stepdaughter? The 17-year-old girl? Is that why she ran away?" a young girl asked

"Dear God please tell me he didn't rape a 17-year-old?" Mason asked

"Your brother did. The day after he killed our mother. In front of her," Max said

"Christ. What is she planning to do with the kid?" The second voice asked

"She won't kill it if that's what you mean," Matteo said

"Can we meet her?" the girl asked

"Bella go to your room let us handle this," The second guy said

"No, I want to get to know her. John was our father's son it's dad's fault he was like that. Please Mason let us meet her," the girl said

"Nate take our sister to her room I'll fall to them on my own," Mason said

"She's right we should meet the girl at least and offer our help. The kid will be our niece or nephew," Nate said

"Go," Mason said and then after we heard the door shut he said, "I get you're going to kill John and I don't care just make him suffer. As for your sister. Sofia right?"

"Yes," Leo said

"Can we meet her alone?" he asked

"Over my dead cold body," Sebastian said

"Fine she can bring two brothers and one adult," Mason said

"Come to our house. It would be safer for her," uncle Santo said

"Fine can I bring..." Mason wanted to say but Gio cut him off, "You can bring your sister and brother but that's it. Your father isn't welcome"

"I have one guess you might like as well but we'll talk about that in private. For now, Dominic can come to get his brother," Mason said before saying, "I'm sorry for what John did to Sofia. Let her know we'll meet soon,"

Oliver punched Dom and let him leave before everyone turned to me.

"What?" I asked

"It's your choice. Do you want to meet them?" Dad said

"I don't know," I said there was so many shot found through my head right now I couldn't think straight.

"Okay how about we eat and you go get some rest it's been a hard day," Grandma said and added, "I'm assuming we all are staying here?" as she looked at the boys

"Yes they need to get along for Sofia's sake and it's not like they're going to just leave," Santo said and was surprised when Sofia hugged him

"See you guys can make wonderful friends," she said

"Not happening," Leo said

"Give it time," She said smiling

For the first time in the last 24 hours, they saw her smile. After dinner, Gio took her up to his room and they fell asleep cuddling. 

They Don't Know Me...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora