Chapter Seven

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"Fuck!!" Alexander yelled

"Calm down. We don't know that the message is meant for us. It could be for John her stepfather," Lucas said

"And what did John do?" I asked

"He could have hurt her. Who knows. He could have been the one who kill your mother and abused Sofia," Emiliano said and everyone in the room froze before Oliver yelled at his brother, "What the fuck you dick,"

Oliver's father Nico sighs before saying, "Lucas, get everything and I mean everything on John.

Tomorrow we're going to go to the Garcia's since she's their blood as well. Brother. I want you too..."

"Stay here out of the way until we get that girl back?" Santo asked and nodded his head before saying, "Even if she isn't mine she's still the boy's family and we protect family,"

"Good," Nico said


Here we are outside Sebastian's house. They just returned from somewhere.

As they arrived they saw us waiting. As they got out of their cars they had guns in their hands

"We aren't here to fight Sebastian. We're here about your daughter and the boy's half-sister," uncle Nico said

"What about her?" Matteo asked

"My mother left almost seventeen years ago. She was pregnant with a baby girl. A girl who looks like your father. A girl who missing on the run or either kidnapped. John her stepfather might be involved in why she ran away from America and came here where she was mysteriously kidnapped yesterday. So even if that's the case I will find her and find out if she is our sister. She is smart enough to evade the cops for a month now," I said pissed

"She looks like me?" Sebastian asked

"Yes, she did," Uncle Nico said and gave him a pick, "The police said she might have changed her appearance. She's alone out there,"

"Also on the girl's birth certificate, your name is under father," Alexander said

"So she might be our sister?" Liam asked shocked

"Yeah, we do they don't. Rules of our law. Our father is the girl's father so she belongs in our household, not the Russo's household," Leonardo said reminding them what Matteo said

"What are you saying, Leo? That you're going to keep us away from our sister?" Maximus asked

"No, he won't even suggest that because he knows we'll go to war then just like before," Lucas said

"Enough all of you. Nico, we'll talk alone. You boys go home and you boys get your asses inside and clean up now," Sebastian snapped

"We should contact Marchetti too," Nico said

"Agreed. I don't want my little girl in danger," Sebastian said


It's Friday. I haven't seen any of my family members at all last week or this week. I see them planning together and searching on the cameras but other than that nothing

I was sitting under my usual tree when I heard a few bags being thrown down near me

"Sorry they followed me," I heard Emiliano's voice

I opened my eyes to see my family members including Abigail.

I glared at Emiliano and closed my eyes again.

"So anyway this is my cousins, Lucas, Lorenzo, and Maximus. My other cousins Mario, Carlos, and Abigail. My brother Stephen and the Garcias, Noah and Matias," Emilio said

"Emilio, what was our deal? Nobody knows we're friends so leave with them now," I said

"Nah we ain't going anywhere," Lucas said

"Fine. How's your sister?" I asked and he froze

"We didn't find her. Don't you watch the news?" he asked

"Nope too boring," I said

"The people who took her left a message something about a video and if we're willing to risk it all," Emiliano said

"I'm sure she or they didn't mean you guys," I said

"I'm sure as well I mean she barely knows us," Lorenzo said

"Yeah," I said

"Are we going to do our project later?" Emiliano asked

"No already did it we got 95 out of a hundred," I said

"Oh cool but I wanted to help you," He said

"No worries. Plus I had a lot of free time on my hands being home alone. Wade and his father are out of town," I said

"Why?" Noah asked

"Don't know," I lied

"That must be nice," Emiliano said

"Yeah I guess," I said and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Hey woah am I seeing things?" I heard Allessio say

"What?" Mario asked

"You all hated each other weeks ago what changed?" Allessio asked

"Our sister is gone remember? We want her back," Noah said

"What happens if you get her back? Where would she live?" Jack asked

"With us," Noah, Lorenzo and Carlos said

"Fuck no she won't be living with you!!" Carlos yelled

I stood up whistled loudly making them stop fighting

"If you want to fight then fuck off," I said grabbing my bag and added, "If your sister is really kidnapped how do you think she'll trust any of you? You fight like every fucking second you see each other and Abigail no offense but hour a bully a bitch. I suggest before you find your traumatized sister start working on building a relationship maybe she'll even come out of hiding,"

With that said I left and went home skipping the rest of the day.

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