Chapter Fourteen

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Waking up was a bit harder than before. I felt broken down. As we ate breakfast dad told me I was going to see a therapist and I didn't even argue. The Deniro family came to visit after a few hours.

"Is he okay? Is he talking?" Alex asked

"Doctor's said that is fine. The wound is going to heal nicely and the only words he said is Tell her sorry. After that he fell asleep then woke up again and asked to see her," Jullian said

"No. She broke down yesterday I don't think it's a good idea. Not now," Gio said

"She's not the only one going through shit. My brother was forced to do shit, my fucking twin," Jullian yelled

"Sofia it's time to go," Emily said coming in but froze when she saw everyone.

"Sofia goes with Emily we'll come to pick you up after the session. Call us if..." Oliver said but I just walked out

Emily and I got in the car and went to the hospital. She saw my confusion and said, "Carl is a nickname for Caroline. She works at the hospital two floors above where Lucifer is,"

"In which room is he?" I asked

"205," She said and I nodded my head. When we got there she took me to an office. Once we entered I saw a beautiful woman drinking some tea

"Ah, Sofia, Emily. Good to see you. I'm Caroline but I guess you already knew that. I made a fresh pot of tea want some?" the woman asked friendly

"Can't have work," Emily said and left

I smiled and nodded my head. Caroline gave me some tea and we sat down.

"So why are you here?" she asked

"My father or brother already told you," I said

"I know but I want you to tell me since they don't have the full story," she said

"I was raped and abused. I saw my mother being killed in front of me. I was threatened. I found my family I never knew about because my mother never told me about them. I found out I was pregnant and the father is either a broken guy who was forced to fuck me or my stepfather who killed my mother and raped me," I said

"How many people raped and hit you?" she asked

"Five raped me one was forced to and four hits and kicked me constantly after they raped me," I said

"Why are you opening up so easily?" she asked

"I can't hold it in anymore. I tried to forget about it but then I found out I was pregnant and yesterday I saw Lucifer the guy who was forced to rape me twice," I said

"Do you think the twins are his?" she asked

"I don't know. It's his or it's John's," I said

"Why not the other three's children?" she asked

"They had to wear protection so they came in my mouth and forced me to swallow their nasty shit," I said

"So only John or Lucifer can be the father?" she asked and I nodded my head

"How do you feel?" she asked

"Scared Al the fucking time. Hate, pain, sadness, anger," I said

"Why the rest of the feelings? Explain why you feel them?" she asked

"Sadness because how could someone I trusted to do this to me? Why did my mother have to die?

Pain because of what I lost. What I felt.

Hate because I hated what John and his there friends did to me and Lucifer.

Anger because I trusted the wrong person. Because my mother left me in this world alone with him. Anger because she never told me about my family. I'm angry at myself for feeling hopeless and afraid," I said with tears in my eyes

"Oh darling," she said and hugged me

We talked for a while and ended our session early. As I got on the elevator the doctor pressed button 5 which is two floors below us.

When the elevator stooped I stepped out and my feet took me to room 205.

I looked in and saw no one. I took a few steps in and found myself next to his bed.

He opened his eyes and when he saw me he looked shocked

"I'm sorry," He said

I nodded my head and took his hand before saying, "I know. You had to do it you were forced,"

"Doesn't make it any better," He said

I shook my head and laid down with him shocking him and myself. He wrapped his arm around my waist and said, "Wht are you here in Italy?"

"Sebastian is my father. Gianna was my mother," I said

"Holy shit. What else did I miss?" he asked

"I'm 10 weeks pregnant," I said and he froze

"Who's?" he asked

"I don't know. Liam said we can do a DNA test when you get back. They have John's DNA as well and I'm sure they have beaten him to death by now," I said

He was quiet as we lay there. I closed my eyes and found myself sleeping while he held me


Melissa went into the room with Hayden and when they saw Sofia and Lucifer asleep they looked at each other.

"It's a miracle. He wanted I'm no one to touch him yet when she came in here they both seemed more comfortable," Lucifer's doctor said

Hayden grabbed Xander and Xavier as they ran in and said, "Shh your brother and Sofia are sleeping,"

Kia looked at Jullian and Hades and smiled before Hades got out his phone and texted Sebastian

H- Sofia is in Lucifer's hospital room. They're both asleep

S- We'll come to get her in a few

H- Leave her here. I'll bring her back when she wakes up

S- You sure?

H- Yeah see you later

After the last text, Melissa took the twins home with the other kids leaving only Hades and Hayden in the room with the two who were asleep

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