BackStory(Part 1)

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The first zombie created:Zeruka
The great zombies:Zedrick, Uzonueq, and Zillay
The elder werewolves:Waik, Wuquzk, and Wyler.

The gang was walking to Addison's house.They walk in the house, finding both her parents in the kitchen."Oh hey Addison, I didn't know you were being guest over."Missy says as she walks to the group."Hey mom.We are not staying we just... have to talk to you about something."Addison says."Oh..., it's sounds serious."Missy says, noticing Addison's tone."Yeah it kind of is.You and dad might want to sit down for this."Says Addison as she points to the couch.

After explaining

"So, now to the question.We was wondering... if you could maybe... shut down the lab?"Addison ask, slowly."Wow, um.This is a lot to take in."Missy says as she slightly chuckles."Yes but all we ask if you just take down the building and let the zombies live in Seabrook."Wyatt says."I'm sorry but the lab doesn't sound so bad."Dale says as the group looks at him, shocked."I agree, we don't know what those zombies can and will do.It's just not safe."Addison couldn't believe what she was hearing.We have learned to accept werewolves but you couldn't accept zombies."Wow.Okay, thanks mom!"Addison says as she storms out the house, the gang follows her."Addison, wait!"Wyatt says as he catches up to her."I can't believe them!They accepted werewolves but can't accept zombies!No offense." "None taken."Willa says."Look, there maybe someone else we could asks."Wyatt says.

In the Forbidden Forest

"You sure this is going to work."Willa asks as they walk up to the den."We have no other choice."Wyatt says.They walk into the den."Elders!"Willa calls out.The elders walk into the front of the den."Hey Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter, I didn't know you were bringing guest."The eldest werewolf, Waik, says.He and Wuquzk are Willa and Wyatt's parents.Wyler, the youngest of the elders, is Wynter dad, her mom died before they found the moonstone."Yes, but we need to talk to you about something.Let's sit."Wyatt says as he walks to the elders.

"So a few weeks ago, we went to the building that no one knew about."Willa starts."And you didn't decide to tell us?"Wuquzk asks."I'm sorry mother, I guess a lot was on our minds."Wyatt says."Anyways, we found out it was a lab for zombies."Addison says.The three elders eyes widened at the mention of zombies."Omg"Wyler says as tears start to form in their eyes."What happened?!Are you guys okay?!"Wynter asks, concerned and confused on why they were crying.

"Wuquzk, dear, would you get him for us."Waik asks his wife.Wuquzk nods as she gets up walks to a room in a den, the room they were never allowed in."Wait, what's going on?Getting who?"Addison asks.A zombie, who likes like they could be in their 90's, maybe in 100's, walks out with the help of his cane and Wuquzk."Kids, I want you to meet the first zombie ever created, Zekura."The gangs eyes widened."Did you say... first zombie?"Bree asks, shocked."Yes, I think it's time you learn the story of the first zombie."


The zombies run out the burning building, into the forest.It wasn't the best option but it was better than being captured by humans."Zeruka, what is going to happen now?"One of the zombies, Zedrick, asks."I don't know Zedrick.But, as your leader, it's my job to protect you all!I promise, I will find us a place to sleep and eat!"Zeruka exclaims.He looks at all the zombies, one of them catches his eye, Uzonueq, was picking berries from a bush."Uzonueq!"Zeruka yells, making her jump."You can't just pick any berries, they might be poisoned."Zeruka explains."Sorry."Uzonueq says.

They hear something rustle in the woods."Hello?"Zeruka mumbles."It was probably an animal Zeruka, we are in the forest."The other girl zombie, Zillay, says.Out of all the zombies, Zillay was the most sarcastic and realistic one.Probably where Eliza gets it from."Your right.Let's keep walking."They hear another sound.Zeruka and the three great zombies bloodstones starts glowing as they look around.The bloodstone is only given to the zombies who are proved worthy of it.Zeruka got a bloodstone because he was the first zombie, the other three proved themselves and earned the bloodstone."Whoever you are, come out now!"Zeruka yells.

A werewolf jumps out from the trees and tackles Zeruka to the ground."Who are you and what are you doing hear?!"The werewolf asks.Zeruka sees, out of the corner of his eye, the other zombies fighting the rest of the werewolves."I am Zeruka, the leader of the zombies!We have escaped from bad people and are looking for a new home."Zeruka explains.The werewolf's moonstone stops glowing and he slowly gets off.The werewolf helps Zeruka up and introduces his self."I am Waik Lykensen, the alpha of the werewolves."Waik notices that the rest are still fighting."Wolves!Back down."The werewolves follow their alphas orders and stops fighting.

"Sorry, us werewolves are not used to people coming into the forest, especially zombies."Waik says.Two other werewolves walk up next to him."This is my mate, Wuquzk."Waik says as she heads out her hand."And this is my best friend, Wyler."The other werewolf waves."We can help you!But, you have to explain where you came from!"Waik says."Okay, we will tell you everything."It is settled then, AWOO!"Waik says as the werewolves howl.

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