Backstory(Part 2)

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Btw, Eliza and Bonzo are step-siblings and Zed is their best friend.

The werewolves taught the zombies how to hunt, how to make necklaces, brackets, etc from leaves and flowers.They were now eating food in the wolf den."Thank you so much wolfs for helping us!"Zeruka says."It was no problem, I think we will all be good friends."

Then, a question suddenly popped in Zillay mind."I don't mean to ruin the mood but where are we going to stay?"Zillay asks."Actually, there is a den across the forest, we was thinking about making it a playroom for the pups, but you can turn it into your home."Waik says.They had found it a few weeks ago."Thank you."Uzonueq says.

On the other side of the forest

"Okay, here it is."Wyler says as they walk in."Wow!"Zedrick exclaims."Okay, we should start decorating."Zeruka says."Yes leader!"The zombies follow their leaders orders.After a few months, the zombies den was fully finished.Tge zombies and the werewolves decided to have a feast, fully welcoming the zombies."I would like to make a toast!"Zeruka says."Thank you, werewolves, for helping us make a new home.Thank you, Zedrick, Uzonueq, and Zillay for always being by my side, and to my beautiful fiancé, Zoya!"Everyone claps and cheers.

A few years later

Over the few years, everything was great!The zombies were able to play in Seabrook without being caught.Zeruka and Zoya had children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.After a meeting between Zeruka and the great zombies and the werewolf elders, they made a big decision.Eliza, Zed and Bonzo were in their playroom.Eliza was the oldest of the great grandchildren, Zed was the second, and Bonzo was third.They were inseparable."Eliza, Zed, Bonzo!"Zeruka yells.The three walk out into the living room."Yes leader Zeruka?"Eliza says."Come with me outside."

Outside waiting was the great zombies and the elder werewolves."What's going on?"Zed asks."We have been discussing and we have came to a conclusion."Zeruka announces."Eliza, Bonzo Zambi, Zed Necrodopolis, I grant you the access of the bloodstone."Zeruka says as he, Zedrick, and Zillay puts the bloodstone necklaces around their necks."You will use them wisely, can I trust you?"The three zombies look at each other and nods."Za(Yes)"Bonzo says in zombie tongue."Then, let's get to training!"Uzonueq exclaims.

"Ok, your first lesson is to track their heartbeats.The elder werewolves will hide in the forest and you will have to tract them by listening to their heartbeats."The three nod, understanding their assignment.The three werewolf's go to hide."Now, focus on their heartbeats, nothing else."Zeruka says as they close their eyes, trying to focus on their heartbeats.Eliza's bloodstone starts glowing first.Then, Zed and Bonzo's.They all run into the forest and when they come out, the three elders come out with them."Good job!"Uzonueq says.

After a few weeks of training, the three zombies had basically mastered their powers.When Eliza, Zed, and Bonzo turned 6, they were able to track heartbeats, hunt for food, run super fast, and etc.Zed and Eliza were playing in the forest when they see a toy laying on the ground in Seabrook."Look Zed!A human toy!"Eliza says."I don't know Eliza, why would a human toy be laying in the road?"Zed says.Even though he was super calm, he can cause some destruction when he and the other zombies feel threatened."Come in Zed!Humans always leave stuff on the ground, it will be safe!I promise."Eliza says, holding out her pinky."Okay..."Zed says as he and Eliza's pinky fingers curl together.

They both run up to the toy.Eliza was about to grab it when two people show up and grabs Eliza."AHH!"Eliza screams.Her bloodstone starts glowing.Zed wanted to help but was scared, so instead, he runs back to the forest to get Zeruka and the others.No matter how hard Eliza struggles, the men did not let go.Eliza was still struggling, until she got tired.Her bloodstone stops glowing and she stops struggling.The men carry her away.

At the zombie den

"Zeruka!Zeruka!"Zed calls, out of breath from running."Woah, woah, woah.Slow down Zed.What's going on?"Zeruka asks as Zed catches his breath."Eliza... someone took Eliza."All the zombies looked shocked."What?!"Eliza's mom, Zara, yells."I'm sorry!We just saw this toy and Eliza wanted to get it and I was skeptical but I went anyway.And two men grabbed her and I was so scared I didn't know what to do!"Zed rambles."Okay, slow down Zed.It is not your fault, you stay here and I will look for her, okay?"Zeruka says.Zed nods and goes to where Bonzo is standing.Zara walks up."Please find her Zeruka!" "I will Zara.Zedrick, Uzonueq, Zillay!Lets go!"

The four zombies run out the forest.They look around but can't find her."Zedrick, inform the wolves!"Zeruka orders."Yes Zeruka!"Zedrick runs back into the woods.They have been searching for hours, but they couldn't find her.They all go back to the den.When they walk in, Zara runs to Zeruka."Did you find her?!"Zara asks, looking around for Eliza."No... I'm sorry."Zed and Bonzo were listening from Zed's room and when Zeruka said that he couldn't find her, they break down in tears."This was all my fault!"Zed chokes out.

That night, Zeruka was crying in his room.It was his job to protect all zombies and he failed.And, Eliza had one of the bloodstone's.After 5 years, Zed gets taken and the year after that, Bonzo gets taken too.It was bad because all three of them had the bloodstone's.Weeks after week, more than 10 zombies gets taken, until the only zombie left is Zeruka.After all the zombies were taken, Zeruka stayed in the wolf den because he didn't feel safe by his self.Ever since then, he has hoped that the zombies were still alive.

End of Flashback

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