Take It Down

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Before you ask any questions, blame school and loss for motivation.

The elders were watching the werepups as they play."Mom, dad!"Willa yells.The three turn around to the gang."Willa, Wyatt, Wynter?What are you doing here?Your supposed to be at school?"The three cross their arms."We will get back to that later, but look!"Wyatt shows the video to the elders.

Waik takes the phone."What..." "Yeah, that was what our reaction was too"Addison says."Wuquzk, go show this to Zeruka."She nods and takes the phone to Zeruka."How did you find this?"He asks."Everyone in saw it, dad."Wyatt explains.

Zeruka comes out of his room with Wuquzk."We are going to take it down."The gang was shocked.It's not that they weren't going to take the lab down, it's that fact that Zeruka said it."Wait, Zeruka.You can't go their!Its bad enough that they captured all the other zombies!We can't let them capture you too!"Waik protested.He wasn't about to let his Best friend get caught like the other zombies.

"I never said that I was going.I am not that stupid."Zeruka always knew what to do."You guys just need to gather more people.With a certain amount, you can get the Mayor to take down the building and the zombies will be free."Everyone nods."You're right.We need to gather more people."Wyatt agrees.

"Well, we are not going to start by standing here."Willa says."Operation, take it down!"Wynter cheers.

The gang went to Addison's house to make signs.Her parents are usually at work all day.They made signs like this.

They made signs like this

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"Okay, I think they are dry

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"Okay, I think they are dry."Addison says as the timer in her phone goes off."I think we did an amazing job!"Bree admires her work."Well, we can't just admire them.Let's go!"The gang gathers their signs and make their way to the school.

Back at the school

As they enter, they chant "Take down the lab!Zombies are safe!"Everyone was looking at them but they didn't care.Everyone was whispering about them but they didn't care.Wyatt didn't care.He would do anything just to see Eliza happy.One girl walks up to them."Hey, can I join?"She asks."Sure, grab a sign."The girl grabs a sign and joins their chant. My

More and more people join them.Even Jacey, or Kevin, joined.Almost the whole school had joined them.The principal walks out."What is going on in here!"She yells."Principal Lee!We would be honored if you joined us to take down the lab with zombies!"Addison says as they continue to chant."What?!If you don't stop, you all will be expelled!"Everyone looks at each other."But, you can't expel the whole school."

The realization had washed all over her face.She sighs."Okay, well, don't do this in school.Do this some where else."They smile."Come one everybody!Lets go!"Addison yells as they march out the door.

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