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I'm sorry it took a while but here it is.

Eliza doesn't know how long she had been in the lab.She doesn't even know how old she is.After a while, she started to loose count.Now, some of you may ask 'Why didn't she just try to escape?'.And the truth is, she did.Here's what happened.


Bonzo had just go in the lab.He was put in the same room with Eliza and Zed.At first, they were happy that they had each other.But, Eliza and Bonzo would wrestle with each other, making them get shocked.Eliza was having enough of this.They have to get out.She has to get out.She is the oldest out of the three of them, so it's her responsible that they are safe.

"Guys."Eliza whispers.They we're supposed to be asleep right now."Eliza, you are going to get us in trouble.Go back to sleep."Zed whispers back.This wasn't the first time that they were awake when they were supposed to be asleep.They just haven't stayed awake a lot because they end up getting shocked."No.I have a plan to escape."

That made Zed and Bonzo eyes open."Elizaski, zhat zar gou zalk zout?"Bonzo asks in zombie tongue.Eliza explained her plan.They about 5 minutes, a security guard will go to each room to check if all the zombies are asleep.Since it is dark in the zombies room, they would hide in a corner.When the guard is distracted, Bonzo will use his zombies strength to break down the door.Eliza will take down the guard and they will make their escape.They will go back to Zeruka and the werewolves so they can help get the other zombies out.

"Are you sure this is going to work?"Zed asks.Zed wanted to get out of that place more than ever, but he doesn't want to do anything that will risk their life's."Zed, I know that your skeptical, but we have to get out of here.Right now, the only thing that is keeping us alive is the bloodstone.We are going to die in here any longer.Trust me."Zed nods.'I hope this plan works.'Zed thinks as they get in their positions.

A security guard makes his way to the last room, Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo's room.He looks through the glass with his flashlight but he can't see any of the zombies."Where are they...?"Suddenly, the door busts down and Zed runs out and tackles the security guard, knocking him out.Little did they know though, whenever a zombie breaks out, an alarm goes off.

"Shoot!Eliza, Bonzo!We got to go!"Zed yells as they run down the halls.Zed knew this was bad idea.But, he can't blame Eliza.She only wanted to get them out and she didn't know that there was an alarm.They we're still running.They didn't know where the exit was so they had to take a few turns.They we're almost to the door when a bunch of security guards jump in front of them.

The bloodstones starts to glow, than it stops glowing when three doctors stick needles in their neck.They last thing that they see is the security guards dragging them.

The next morning

The trio didn't think that they were going to get a punishment because when they woke up, they didn't have any new cuts, bruises, scratches, etc.A lab worker walks up to the glass.She presses the button to speak into the mic."You zombies thought you were going to get away, didn't you?"The lab worker says."You guys owe us a new door, by the way.So, we will be taking you for punishment."The word 'Punishment' made the zombies look up.The lab worker smirks as security guards drag them out of their room.

The guards throw them in a small room and before they lock the door, they put gasoline on the floor and lights a match.They throw the match in the gasoline and locks the door, watching the fire grow.The zombies scream as they suddenly catch on fire.If you didn't know already, zombies are petrified of fire.The lab workers didn't keep them on fire too long, they still needed them for testing.

After dragging the now burnt zombies out the room, they put them in separate rooms.Usually, they would try to fight and get them in the same room again.But, since they were burned, they didn't have the energy or strength."I hope you three learned your lesson."The girl says as she laughs.

End of flashback

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