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Zed's Experiment

The lab experiments Zed's heart.What they usually do is, they put Zed to sleep, drag him into the heart room, cut him open, and put a tiny camera close to the heart to track it day and night.They usually keep it in 2 days before taking it out to collect the footage.They also put chords around his heart and make him run, fight, jump, etc to track his heart and how it works.He usually ends up with cuts and bruises at the end of the experiments.

Eliza's Experiment

The lab experiments Eliza's vocal chords.What they do is, they use a needle to make Eliza weak(And a Z-band), they put her in the vocal chords room, they either put a tube down Eliza's throat or nostrils, and look inside a Zombies throat(They all have different color insides).This is very painful for Eliza and makes her throat and mouth bleed.It is so painful that she can't even roar, scream, or talk.All she can do is cry.They usually keep it in a week or four days, messing up her voice for a while.Eliza bleeds for a few days after they finish the test.

Bonzo Experiment

The lab experiments Bonzo's brain.What they do is, they knock Bonzo out(The wake him up to do the test.But, they put a Z-band on to calm him down), put him in the Brain room, put chords with the bandages on his head, and monitor his brain.Since the brain tests messed Bonzo's brain up, they had to stop doing them.

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