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The lab workers had finished another test on Eliza.Just like before, she couldn't speak.Her eyebrows scrunched when she looked at the workers.She was done with these experiments.

She starts to search around her.Eliza picks up the closest thing to her and hits one of the lab workers on the head.While they cried out in pain, Eliza made a run for it.

She ran and ran and hid into a closet.She needed to find a way to contact Wyatt.But how?


"What is going on?!"The mayor demands.

"Mom!We need to you take down the lab."

Missy sighs.

"Addison, we already talked about this."

"NO!"Addison yells.That had startled her."They are my friends.They don't deserve to be treated like this!And if you can't see that, then maybe your the monster..."

Everyone nods to Addison's speech.They start to chant.

"Free The Zombies!Zombies Are Safe!"
"Free The Zombies!Zombies Are Safe!"
"Free The Zombies!Zombies Are Safe!"

They keep chanting until Missy finally gives in.

"Okay!Okay...I will take down the lab."Missy decides.

Everyone cheers!Wyatt and Willa hug in celebration.

"Alright!Now, get out of my office."

"Yes Mom!"Addison exclaims and they walk out the building.

"Now that we got the Mayors approval, we are getting the Zombies out of the Lab."Wyatt declares.

In the Lab

Eliza's mind was racing.Right now, the lab was panicking and trying to find her.It's only a matter of time until they do.

Eliza suddenly remembers something.


"If you focus hard enough, you will be able to send Morse code through your bloodstone.Try it out.Just focus on what you want to send, not everything around you."Zeruka explains to the young child.

"Yes, Zeruka."Eliza closes her eyes and focuses on what she wants to send and who.

"Don't try to hard, you don't want to damage your brain."

Her bloodstone starts to light up.Waik's moonstone lights up too.The light starts flashing and he quickly writes down what she is sending.

When he finishes, it's says 'I love you all'.Waik and Zeruka smile and Eliza opens her eyes.They have her the thumbs up.

End of flashback

Eliza closes her eyes and focus on the message."Focus, focus, focus..."She tells herself.

Wyatt's moonstone starts flickering.He looks down and raises an eyebrow.

"Why is your moonstone flashing?"Bree asks.

"I don't know.The only time it flashes is if there is no power in it or-"The twins look at each other.

"Morse Code..."They say in unison.

"But who would send you Morse code?"

"We only use Morse code when you're in trouble and need help."Willa explains.

"Do you think-"Everyone nods.


They get out a pen and a piece of paper.They starts writing.

"G...o...t...h...r...o...u...g...h...t...h...e...b...a...c...k"They all look at each other to what it says.

"Go through the back."

Wyatt starts to signal back.Eliza eyes lighten up.She smiles.It felt like forever since she smiled.The last time she smiled was when she first met Wyatt.She can't wait to see him again.

The door opens.Eliza gasps and the two guards grab her.


"Eliza?Eliza?She stopped responding..."Wyatt was worried.They needed to get her out of there.Now.

Experiment(Zombies AU)Where stories live. Discover now