A little mistake

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"Wow.That is so sad."Wynter says, wiping away the tears she shed.Everybody was crying at this point.To think, you had to watch your family be taken one by one.If it wasn't for the lab, they probably would have been great friends with the zombies."Anyways,... are you sure you saw them?"Zeruka asks."Yes.And I'm am sorry we didn't tell you sooner.We didn't know how much the zombies meant to you."Wyatt apologizes.Everyone nods, agreeing with him."It's okay.But you have to promise to find them."Zeruka says."We promise.But, Will you guys help us?"Addison asks.The zombie and werewolves elders look at each other, smirk, and nods."Now, we just need a plan."Willa smirks.

Little did the group know, there was there was something going around Seabrook High.While looking at the experiment videos, one of the lab workers was suppose to send the videos to the head doctor to check them out.The worker went into his gmail and sends the video to the doctor.At least, that's what he thought he did.He actually sent the video into the internet.The worker didn't notice though.So, the video started to get popular over the internet.

The next day at Seabrook High

The gang didn't want to go to school today.They wanted to keep planning on how to get the zombies out.But, they had to go anyway.The group notices that everyone was looking at their phones and talking about something.Addison spots Bucky and the aceys, so she walks over to them."Hey cuz, what's with everyone today?"Addison asks.Bucky jumps a little when Addison walked over.He was on his phone too.

"You haven't heard?"Bucky asks.That makes the gang more confused."Heard what?"Willa asks."Look"Bucky shows the video of the zombies being tested on.Everyone's eyes grow in shock.The main zombies being tested on was Zed, Bonzo, and Eliza."What is this?"Addison asks."The zombies being tested on."Wyatt says in disbelief.He was hurt seeing Eliza in pain."Honestly, they deserve it."The gang looks up at Lacey."Zombies are freaks, they eat brains, they are not safe."Stacey adds.The group can't believe what they were hearing.

They we're about to say something when the bell rings.The group doesn't go though."Guys, I hate to say this, but, we need to skip school."Addison hates skipping school.She was always the good girl, never did anything wrong.But the gang wasn't surprised.They we're thinking the same thing.They make sure that no one is still in the hallways and sprints out the door, into the forbidden forest.'That's why they wouldn't let us back in.Because they were being tested on.'Wyatt thinks.Willa could tell by Wyatt's face that he was angry.No, that's was an understatement.Wyatt was furious.

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