Chapter 4

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Playing with the sleeve of your sweatshirt, you wondered if you were really doing the right thing.

Wasn't your sensei asking for extra lessons too selfish?

Because now you have that impression. You think what you told him was too selfish for you.

You don't want him to think you are like that.

You are not selfish and you don't just think about yourself.

On the contrary. You want to help others. You believe that a man can ask for help. Likewise, many people want good for you. So you don't have to feel the need to distrust people you know. 

If you know them and they can even be your friends, you can help them. You believe people when you know them. You would never trust a stranger. 

Besides, you can easily read the emotions of others. You know when they are honest and when they lie. You know when they don't like you or mock you.

This is what made you more introverted than before.

You prefer reading manga and watching anime. This is something interesting. Even if you don't meet your friends at this point. You can enjoy it yourself. You don't need someone who doesn't like you, just uses you. You are very friendly and would like to have some really close friends. Because at some point a boy might show up... Maybe he would like you the way you are.

Maybe he wouldn't mind about your shame...

You would like to find someone who is similar to you. Or maybe he could even be the opposite of you. The important thing is that he would love you. That's enough. 

For example, he could be brave, honest and loud. And maybe even shameless... He could even be mean. Unless he's mean to you.

You don't know if you can do it at this school.

There is no one here who likes you very much.

Even though you like Kugisaki and Itadori as well as your senpai. You know their character and you think you could become friends with them later. As long as they want. And also not to take advantage of you. You like to help someone, but you don't want anyone to take advantage of you. 

You're afraid someone will take advantage of you now.

You don't want to trust people strangers so easily.

Thinking about it just got to you... 

Is your Sensei not a stranger? 

You've known him for a week... You don't know if you can consider him as someone you already know. Even if he is a nice person. Even if he is nice to you and may like you. 

After all, you still know each other briefly. Even if it's a teacher, don't you hurry with this question for additional training?

You are worried that you will take his time. Make him even more tired. You would like him to have some free time as well. So that he can take care of himself. Instead of spending time in the week with you... To train. He must then be watching over you.

However, this only shows that he is capable of taking responsibility at the bottom.

You just want to understand your technique more and also improve it.

You don't want to feel pain every time you use it. You want to be useful to the group. You don't want to be weak.

You don't know if You hurried up or not, but even if it would be a very bad decision, you have to try. After all, he can make you stronger than you are now. Maybe it can help you understand anything. 

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