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"You know, Eddie Munson," he suddenly said. "Yes, Steve Harrington?" I played along, while a cigarette was still hanging on my lips. "For someone who exclaims he's such a freak, he's kind of a normal guy with emotions." he said, almost seeming sarcastic. "It's almost like I'm still sort of human underneath all of this." I said, as I gestured to my appearance, and tugged at my hair. My hair grew longer and wilder, and it was getting kind of out of hand to be honest.

Steve showed a puzzled face, as he looked at my hair. It seemed like we were thinking the same thing. "Dude, you've got to do something about those bangs." he then said, holding back his laughter. "I have some scissors." he could barely say the words, before he quickly went inside to grab them. It seemed like it was only going to go downhill from that point. 

He came back with some kitchen scissors. "May I cut them?" he asked politely, while giving me puppy eyes. I held back a smile, while I tried to say no, but I couldn't. I nodded lightly, and Steve didn't hesitate one more second. He grabbed his chair, and scooted it over towards mine. By the looks of how he was handling it, it seemed like he had already drunk enough for the night. And I was about to let this man near my face with scissors.

"Okay let's calm down, Harrington." I said, as I waved my hands to let him know that he should firstly just settle down.

His own hair fell down his forehead, and he took his hands through them to pull them back. Something about that move mesmerized me for a moment. God, maybe I had too much to drink too at this point. What was I thinking about Steve? 

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