Chapter 24

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Were over Scarlett fix your relationship with your daughter”
‘Fix your relationship with your daughter’, how do I do that how do I fix my relationship with her, I already lost her trust, how do I gain it back, do I stop seeing everyone that I’ve been seeing, should I make sure that Lizzie doesn’t go to prison, should I not press charges against her, I don’t know what to do, “What should I do?” I ask myself but only actually speaking this time.

  “well one thing you could do is stop lying to me, and not sleep with my girlfriend”
  “I’m sorry about that but um I didn’t know Arizona was your girlfriend I mean she’s what twenty something thirty something, though I did sleep with her, she never mentioned having a girlfriend, but I am sorry for that, If I knew I wouldn’t have done it I probably would have talked about the relationship, and um here’s your keys back”
“Why’d you do that”
“Do what”
“Have Lizzie arrested”
“She slept with a minor”

  “And Arizona had a relationship with a minor and I was younger than I am now when me and her first started seeing each other, so why didn’t you have her arrested”
“I don’t know I guess I was pissed at Lizzie”
Sleeping with you”
“You’re the one that cheated not her”
“I know that”
“and you cheated more than once, you’re pregnant for fucks sake”
“It’s not like I meant to get pregnant, I was drunk,”
“where you though”
“I’ve been drunk for years I’ve just learned how to hide it”
“how many years”
“three and a half, I think”
“three and a half wow, so the amount of time I’ve been living with you”
“Y/n, I didn’t mean it that way”
“how did you mean it”
“I’m an addict alcohol and drugs, have been sense that time you had been taken, lost your leg was in the hospital, sense then I’ve been scared to lose you, you’ve put me in a position where I have to protect, where I have to bend my morals, where I have to go against every single thing that I believe in”
“I didn’t make you, so why’d you do it”
“then stop loving me”
“I can’t!”
“Well, that’s the problem you Can N0t love me"
I know”
“Then we agree
I must leave” 
“Yeah, I guess so” I say looking down

“Stop” I say as I put my hand on Y/n’s suitcase,
“Don’t leave please”
“I can’t stay here Scarlett”
“I’m your mother!”
“Exactly why I can’t stay”
“but you can”
“no, I lied I watched a lot of tv when I was younger, I told you I had never watched tv in my life, but I used to watch all the marvel movies, and I’ve been hiding it but I’ve had the biggest crush on you sense I first saw you in ‘A good woman’ and that was before I even started watching marvel, and its been getting harder and harder to not just tell you, I so wanted to make a move around the first time we met but then
you adopted me and I couldn’t and you daughter so I couldn’t, I’m going to leave now”
Its been a few hours sense Y/n left and I don’t know what to tell Rose, I’m currently waiting outside her school in the parent pick up line for her to come out,
After a little bit a whole bunch of kids come out, but now my Rose, soon the parent pick up line is empty, and I start panicking.
“HI, where is my daughter”
“I say as I enter the main office”
“All students were dismissed”
“My daughter didn’t come out”
“What’s her name”
“It’s Rose”
“Okay Ma’am it looks here that she was signed out for lunch but she didn’t come back”
“By whom”

“Her mother”
“Well, I’m right here so it definitely wasn’t me”
“I’m so sorry”
(Y/n’s POV)
“HI Rosebud, how do you fell for a road trip just me and you mama already said it was okay, and I have your bags in the car”
“where are we going”
“It’s a surprise”
“But we are going to go on a drive and when we get there there’s going to be a boat waiting for us”
“what about your car”
“It will go on the boat with us”
“HI Jack”
“Hi baby” he says as he kisses me
“Is this her”
“Hi Rose, I’m Jack I’m going to be your new daddy, come on were going to Australia”
Jack says picking Rose up and putting her on the boat,
“Why aren’t we taking an airplane” Rose ask
Because, then they will take you from us and we can’t let that happen”
“Sissy, you’re scaring me, I want to go home, I want mama”
“Mama doesn’t want you that’s why she had me take you”
“Dang Y/n Harsh much”
“What do you want me to tell her that we kidnapped her”
Just then I see Rose run off the boat
“Well go get her!!” I yell at Jack

Where does it seem so long on word but then we get on here and it's fucking short so yeah um y/n works with the bad guys let's just say jack is one of John's friends.
Again Luke in every chapter of you see Annie that's just because on Word it's Annie and not Y/n

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