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The most unhinged: uh guys

Paranoid: uh oh

The only sane one: wtf did you do now

The most unhinged: I blew up a car

Switchblade: whose car?

The most unhinged: My mums 😟

Trashmouth: ffs

Draco Malfoy rip off: Patrick you need help

The most unhinged: I'm not going back to therapy that place was hell undercover 🖕

Switchblade: understandable

Bathtub: can't relate lmao

The only girl: why tf is ur name bathtub 😃?

Bathtub: I like baths

Haystack: ok

The most unhinged: guys focus on my problem

Trashmouth: How tf do you blow up a car

The most unhinged: I was messing around with my lighter and KABOOM

Goyle rip off: god dammit Patrick

switchblade: u idiot

The most unhinged: stfu you can't even graduate highschool without getting held back a year 🖕

Switchblade: ...

The most unhinged: cry about it 🙄

Haystack: lovers quarrel

BillGates: relatable

Bathtub: wtf we're not having any problems

The only girl: AYO

Haystack: Mike u owe me £10 🖕

The only sane one: fucking hell

Draco Malfoy rip off: 💀

Switchblade: you did not just go there Hockstetter

Goyle rip off: oh shit

Draco Malfoy rip off: last name basis?!

Trashmouth: shit bout to go downnnn

Goyle rip off: Patrick would win 🤷‍♀️

Draco Malfoy rip off: fr

Paranoid: wait fr

Draco Malfoy rip off: yeah they did an arm wrestle once and Patrick won lol

The most unhinged: @Switchblade you stupid ass to get held back for 3 years 💀💀💀

Switchblade: 😡

BillGates: Bro angryyyy

Switchblade: Don't call me bro you twat

The most unhinged: did I hit a nerve dumbass?

Switchblade: shut up

The most unhinged: You shut up

Switchblade: that's why ur shoes raggedy

The most unhinged: that's why ur mama abandoned you 🤷‍♀️

Bathtub: 😨

The most unhinged: left with no warning

BillGates: 😰

The most unhinged: what shoes she got on?

The only girl: 😥

The most unhinged: what shoes she got on with her new family?

Haystack: 😱

Switchblade: ...

Draco Malfoy rip off: oh crumple nugget

The most unhinged: fuck

Bathtub: 🫢

The only sane one: I think u better talk to him

The most unhinged: no shit

Priv chat between Patrick and Henry

Patrick: Henryyy

Patrick: Bowerssss

Patrick: Answer me

Patrick: 🖕🖕🖕

Henry: Tf you want you wanker

Patrick: i feel so loved

Henry: Fuck off you dickhead

Patrick: Henry listen

Henry: no

Patrick: I'll take that as a yes

Patrick: I'm sorry for being rude about ur mum

Henry: idc go fuck urself

Patrick: Forgive me then I will

Henry: tf

Patrick: jk

Henry: ugh

Patrick: is that a new way of saying I forgive u

Henry: fine.

Patrick: lol okay thanks

In the gc

The only girl: you two are so cute <3

Bathtub: thanks Bev :)

Switchblade: ew

Draco Malfoy rip off: shut up 😡

Goyle rip off: fr

Paranoid: omg just got a deja vu

The most unhinged: fr omg

Haystack: did you and bowers make out?

Switchblade: what

Haystack: I mean make up

Haystack: fucking autocorrect

The most unhinged: sure

The most unhinged: away yeah we did

Trashmouth: woo

Draco Malfoy rip off: make up make out what's the difference??

Paranoid: dumbass

Bowers and Loser club gcWhere stories live. Discover now