Chapter Thirteen

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This chapter is dedicated too one of my top commenters: romancebookss_ and quicksilver997

Nova Johnson


Staring. It has become a recent thing of my own, staring at maths equations with no teacher to help you? Amazing. I wanted to cry, like I felt the tears drop from my eyes

He was watching a boxing match whilst I sat at the Island struggling with my life, he drinks some of his beer and I stand up from the chair and walk towards him whilst holding my maths book, I tuck in my pen behind my ear. Once I reach the end of the sofa where his head rested, I bend over him.

He looks up and ignores me.

"Please." I whisper. "Please Alexander, I am begging you!" He is about to reach for his beer, but I snatch it just in time so he could give me the attention. I walk to his side and settle down onto my knees as I rest my book onto his stomach.

"One question and you better make it good," shock slammed me in the face.

He actually accepted. I stand up and sit down on his legs since he was taking up the whole thing, I flick to the hardest question in the book and hand it to him. He takes it from my grasp and looks down at the question.

He analyses it for a quick minute. "The final answer is, seven."

"Are you looking at the right question?" I whisper in shock; he picks up his beer from the floor and glances at the television.

"Little's law can be applied to any part of the store, such as a particular department or the checkout lines. The store owner determines that, during business hours, approximately eighty-four shoppers per hour make a purchase and each of these shoppers spend an average of 5 minutes in the checkout line. At any time during business hours, about how many shoppers, on average, are waiting in the checkout line to make a purchase at the Good Deals Store?"

How is he saying this so causally?

"You are looking at the right question, and you-you figured it out in three minutes."

He removes me from his legs and sits up, he sat down with his legs spread out and held the book with one hand. He leans closer to me; I look down at him since I sat on my feet- which gave me an extra boost.

He takes the pen from behind my ears and begins writing on the book.

"Since the question states that Little's law can be applied to any single part of the store, then the average number of shoppers, N, in the checkout line at any time is N=rat, where r is the number of shoppers entering the checkout line per minute and T is the average number of minutes each shopper spends in the checkout line."

"Since eighty-four shoppers per hour make a purchase, eighty-four shoppers per hour enter the checkout line. However, this needs to be converted to the number of shoppers per minute in order to be used with T=5. Since there are 60 minutes in one hour, the rate is eighty-four shoppers per hour divided by 60minutes which then equals 1.4 shoppers per minute. Using the given formula with r=1.4 and T=5 yields. N=rt= (1.4) (5) =7. Therefore, the average number of shoppers, N, in the checkout line at any time during business hours is seven. The final answer is seven."

Why was I attracted to this? This man was Albert Einstein himself. The way he says it as if it was adding two apples with one. My mouth, my mouth dropped open. He hands me back the book and turns up the volume of the television.

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