Chap 4

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Chap 4

Next morning the first stop was bungee jumping, Aryan went without fear , Imlie was anxious biting her nails when she saw Aryan jump her heart almost got out. Next was her turn, they strapped her while Aryan was back.
He was super happy, "Good luck the fall is deep Imlie" he said purposely. Imlie then actually looked down, her leg shook. "Fuck " she muttered
"I uh change my mind" looking at Aryan
"And you want to be in Army. Knew it. Sir she dont want to do it. Bluff" he said
Imlie stopped the man who came to unstrap her "i will do it. And you" looking at Aryan "Dont be so condescending " she said . She turned and closed her eyes and prayed.
"Ready" the man asked
"Yes" and down she went. She kept her eyes open, it was exhilarating but she screamed her heart out . She was scared yet she was proud of herself. It was beauitful as she looked around swinging as reached the point.
She screamed crying with happiness.

When she came back to Aryan she jumped and hugged him in happiness .
"I did it first time oh my god" she squealed.
He gently pushed her away from him "Good for you" he smiled
"Didnt know you could do it" he honestly said. Imlie felt awkward hugging him she got too excited.

She was smiling, she was ready for next. All three sports she enjoyed screaming crazily and always booing Aryan for his discouragement.
By the time they came back they were tired and exhausted.They went straight to sleep.

They did some shopping separately next day explored not talking to each other. Oddest honeymoon couple if one would look at them. No holding hands no looking at each other.

The trip finally came to end both ready to go back.
In the plane, Aryan almost dozed off on her shoulder and she looked at him first time taking in his feature.
If he wasnt mean, arrogant and idiot, he was handsome man. She smiled and then looked away not bothering to wake him up. She let him sleep on her shoulder.

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