Chapter 2

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I'm now twelve and had managed to survive on my own. I had been on my own since I was 4, but that was about to change. The day I met Elijah is a day I will remember, it started on a usual day. I was running away from troops after I stole my breakfast. As I ran, I pointed my palm behind me and froze the troops. Whoops sorry, forgot to tell you about my powers. I basically have every power you can imagine, and I used them to get my food. Anyway, I ducked into an alley, and I came face to face with a boy.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Getting breakfast." I replied, "Is that a problem?"

"No." he said.

Instantly I felt something, something I hadn't felt in years. Happiness and safety. He was different to other people I had met. He didn't make fun of me; he didn't yell at me and in fact he seemed happy to see me (even though he didn't know me). He smiled, and I smiled back then we walked off and I showed him my house.

It has been 2 months since I met Elijah and we now steal together. I told him about my past and my powers. I told him about my brother who was dead. But I wasn't too sure about that, if we weren't dead then wouldn't he come to look for me? But he hasn't so he must be dead. Elijah told me he hated the Rebels because they killed his parents and I said I hated the Empire because they killed mine. Anyway, one day real life came crashing back down. The day Elijah was killed. We woke up to a normal day and went to get food, we had just grabbed our food and were running away when a merchant shot Elijah in the arm, he fell to the ground, groaning. I was about to go help him but then the troops came to see if he was alright. Elijah signalled me to hide and I did. And the last I ever saw of him was him being taken away in an imperial transport.

It's been two days since he was taken and now, I'm starting to worry, I have heard nothing about him. It's like everyone's forgotten him or worst he's been killed. The next day I went outside to the imperial holo-net playing and then I saw the news for the top story today, TRAITOR FOUND AND KILLED. No that can't be him I thought but then a saw the name and I just remember filling with dread. ELIJAH HAWK FOR TREASON AGAINST THE EMPIRE. I stumbled backwards in shock. Then I ran. I ran all the way home and began to sob.

3 months later...

I met two people today, and they ended up changing my life forever. It all started on a usual day I was getting my something to eat, when I felt something, a strange feeling to turn around, when I did, I saw two people and felt a weird connection with them. Like they were similar to me, they had some sort of ability like me. They seemed to notice it too, and then the troops came and started chasing them. So, I helped them, we dodged the troops and ran. I pulled a few of my stunts and they looked pretty impressed. Then when I told them we had to jump over a big gap between two buildings and they didn't want to. I jumped and told them to trust me, and they did, and I used my powers to push them up to the other side. They called the thing I used "The force." which I had no idea what that meant, because as far as I was concerned my powers weren't called "The force." Anyway, we ditched the stormtroopers and got away into an alley. They introduced themselves.

"My name is Kanan Jarrus." The older one said. And the second one's name made me stop dead.

"My name is Ezra Bridger," he said. I couldn't believe it! he was my brother, it was Ezra! At last!

"I think we are related," I began.

"How?" he said.

"I'm Coco Bridger." for a second, he looked shocked too.

" How are you alive?" Ezra asked. Kanan just looked confused.

"I was thrown out of the prison by the Empire when I was 4." That got a reaction from the both of them.

"You have to come with us." Ezra said. Kanan looked uncertain but then he started talking about my powers.

"Coco, I believe you are a force wielder like your brother." Kanan said.

"Really?" I replied.

"Yes." he said.

"That's why you should come with us and be trained as a Jedi." Kanan said.

"Sure." I smiled, "Anything to get me away from this place."

"Come on, let's go introduce you to the others." Ezra said.

When we got back to their ship, I met 3 people (one of which was a lesate.) The piolet's name was Hera, the madolorian's name was Sabine and the lesate's name was Zeb. Zeb didn't seem to like me.

"Great, another Bridger." He muttered. Ezra told me to ignore him and so I did.

Apparently according to Kanan, I would be sharing a room with Sabine. Later I showed them all my powers leaving them stunned. Hera broke the silence by telling us all that we had a mission.

"The imperials are beginning to make a new Tie-Fighter. We need to get into the imperial factory and get some intel in order to destroy it." She said. Everyone seemed on board with the idea.

"I know the imperial factory on Lothal in and out, I can get us in and out." I said.

I had made sure to disguise us as troopers coming in from their patrols.. We reached the command centre in some imperial costumes I had summoned. Hera stuck a spike into the main data base and then the droid did something to the spike. I had no idea what but ran with it. Hera deleted all the files and then unplugged the droid. "All good, let's move out." She said. But, as we were heading back to our ship, troops surrounded us. Then, from the shadows, Darth Vader appeared and told the troops to open fire on us. Kanan got his lightsabre out but as soon as they shot, I used my shields to protect us. Vader told them to stop firing and then all of a sudden, I was being pulled away with my own powers. He looked at me and pushed me aside and told the troops to keep firing.

"No!" I shouted and threw another shield over them. Then the last thing I hear was Vader saying, "This one's different," And just before I went unconscious, I had a memory spring into my mind.

"Coco is different." my mother had said, almost 12 years ago. Then I saw black. While I was unconscious, I heard voices, people saying things like "You're almost there..." "Use the force..." "We are with you..." and one that said, "You're not alone."

I woke with a start only to find myself in a prison cell and I was in a cage. Ezra and Kanan were there but I couldn't talk. I was in pain, terrible pain and was feeling weaker and weaker by the second. "Coco! Are you ok?" Ezra asked.

"Mmmhhhfff." was all I could manage and before I knew it, I was unconscious again. My powers were being drained from me.

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