Chapter 6

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The next day we planned to find Kanan. We attacked a ship and stole a droid; we had some trouble but now we had Kanan's location and a plan.

"I'll send in our transporter code as soon as we know Kanan is there. Ezra, Coco?" Hera asked.

"Well, here goes nothin'." I replied. Ezra and I shut our eyes. I focused on Kanan, on his location. I needed the force to tell me if he was there.

"So, anything?" Zeb asked impatiently.

"Give them a minute?" Sabine scolded.

"We don't really have a minute." Zeb pointed out.

"Ezra, Coco is he there?" Hera asked. Suddenly, I saw him. He was in a cell. His eyes opened as if he had seen us too.

"He's there." Ezra began,

"He's alive!" I said.

"Sending codes." Hera smiled. No sooner we were on the ship and being chased by troops. Ezra and I fought them off.

"Kanan is down that hall. I just cut off only way to get to him." Ezra explained.

"Might be our only way, but it's not yours." Hera said. Ezra and I went through the vents and got out just in front of Kanan's cell.

"Turns out you taught us pretty well." Ezra said to Kanan as he opened the cell door.

"You shouldn't have come here, but I'm glad you did." Kanan smiled.

"You would've done the same for us. In fact, you have." I replied. We helped Kanan out, and we got to the power room before we ran into the Inquisitor.

"Let me borrow that." Kanan to Ezra.

"Yeah, no problem." Ezra replied. They fought. Suddenly I had an idea and told Ezra. Ezra nodded and used the force to grab Kanan's lightsabre from the inquisitors belt. He ignited it and I did the same with mine.

The Inquisitor turned and said, "At last, a fight that might be worthy of my time." We nodded as we all took on the Inquisitor. He forced push Ezra back and kicked Kanan away. Then he went for me. He tried to strike a blow, but I deflected it. He kicked me backwards and I fell to the ground. Suddenly, I was lifted off the ground and thrown over the edge.

"NO!" Shouted Ezra and Kanan.

"That was a mistake." Kanan said angrily.

"Why? Because you have no one left to die for you?" sneered the inquisitor. Kanan paused.

"No. Because I have nothing left to fear." Kanan said as he force pulled one of my lightsabres to him as Ezra did the same.

"You're right. I was a coward. But now I know there's something stronger than fear-- far stronger. The force. Let me show you how strong is." Kanan explained. He thrusted the two lightsabres into the middle of the inquisitor's. Which made it explode and throw him over the edge. Then the whole ship started to blow up. "Ezra! help me try to grab Coco!" Kanan shouted. They forced pull me back up and Kanan carried me on his back. At this point I was unconscious. They got back to the ship just as more ships arrived to help us. We didn't know who they were, but we connected with the ghost and got up to see Hera and the others. Kanan hugged Hera as Ezra brought me up from the ship. "She'll be okay." Kanan said.

"Why did the Inquisitor keep trying to kill her?" asked Ezra.

"I never told you, but I figured out that Coco is the Legend from the Prophecy. The prophecy that states that she will have more power than anyone else; ever." Kanan explained. Ezra looked dumbfounded. That's when I began to stir.

"Coco, you're okay!" Ezra said.

"Of course, I am." I laughed. Then I hugged Ezra and Kanan.

"Wait, If Chopper was in this transport ship, then who was flying the Ghost?" Ezra asked. We walked up into the ship's cockpit.

"Hello, my friends. It is good to see you again." Said a man in a hologram.

"I don't understand. I met you once for a few moments. I don't even know your name." Kanan replied.

"His name is Senator Bail Organa." Hera explained.

"And the crews of the blockade runners?" Kanan asked.

"Members of other rebel cells." Bail Organa said.

"There are other cells." Sabine exclaimed.

"We're a cell? Wait. Did you know we were a cell?" Ezra asked.

"Um, no." Zeb replied.

"We weren't supposed to meet. That way, if captured, we couldn't reveal the other rebels to the Empire. That was the protocol." Hera explained.

"The protocol has changed." Said a voice.

"Fulcrum." Hera exclaimed as a woman walked into the room.

"Ahsoka. My name is Ahsoka Tano." Said the woman.

"Why did you come here?" Kanan asked.

"Because of you and your apprentices, many in this system and beyond have heard your message. You gave them hope in their darkest times. We didn't want that hope to die." Ahsoka explained.

"So, what happens now?" I asked.

"I don't know. One chapter has closed for you, Coco, and Ezra Bridger. This is a new day. A new beginning." Ahsoka replied.

At the Imperial base...

"We are getting reports of unrest all over Lothal. There are whispers from Mustafar. Some people see the Empire... as weak, vulnerable." Kallus explained.

"Not to worry, Agent Kallus. The Emperor has sent an alternative solution." Governor Tarkin replied. "Lord Vader."

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