Chapter 8

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"Let's end today's lesson by levitating Chopper." Kanan said to Ezra and I after a lesson the following week.

"If we do, can we drop him?" Ezra asked.

"Sure." Kanan shrugged. After serval attempts, we discovered that chopper locked his feet to the floor.

"Sabine, I have a mission for you and Chop. Thanks to Captain Rex I've found an old base where we might be able to salvage some much-needed medical supplies. Zeb, Ezra, and Coco can go to." Hera explained as she handed me a tablet.

"No problem." Sabine said.

When we got to the station, we looked for the supplies, which turned into an Ezra vs. Zeb race, when we heard Lightsabres activate behind us.

"Inquisitor!" I yelled.

"Run!" said Ezra. Just as we turned the corner, we saw another one.

"How many of these guys are there?!" said Ezra. Ezra told Sabine and Zeb to run, and they did. Then Ezra and I were pinned to the wall by droids, and the Inquisitors walked over to us.

"Find the other's," said the woman. Which leaved Ezra and I with the woman Inquisitor.

"You and I are gonna have a talk and if you're good, maybe some of your friends will survive." The woman snarled. She put Ezra in handcuffs and me in power restricted chains. (Which obviously meant she knew about my powers.) "You handle a lightsabre well, apprentice." She said.

"Well, I've got some time if you wanted a lesson." Ezra shot back.

"You have great potential, but perhaps it is I that might teach you as your master never achieved the rank of Jedi Knight, did he?" she hissed.

"Maybe not, but he took out the last Inquisitor, so I think I'll just stick with him." Ezra replied.

"Yes, the death of the Grand Inquisitor was a surprise to all. Yet it does present the rest of us with new opportunities. There are many hunting you now, all intent on killing you, your sister, and your master. Does that frighten you?" she asked.

"If you were gonna kill me, you'd have already done it." Ezra said.

"Kill you? I have no plans to kill you...yet." She sneered. Then she turned to me "You must be Ezra's sister, Coco. The Legend. I expected someone with your reputation to be a bit older." She said.

"Doesn't matter how old I am, I could probably beat you if I was 7." I shot back. Ezra chuckled. That just made her angrier. She brought us out to meet with the other Inquisitor who had Sabine. Ezra looked up and saw Zeb in the ship. Up on the roof. I was bewildered. Ezra gave him a thumbs up. But there was one problem: I was chained up to the wall. We were gonna need a pretty big distraction. Suddenly, Zeb made his move. Ezra grabbed his lightsabre and rushed over to help me. We got on the ship and got away. Just. When we got back to the ghost Kanan pulled us aside.

"Ezra, Coco we need to talk." He said.

"Yeah, we do, about the 2 Inquisitors we just ran to." I replied. Kanan and Hera shared shocked glances as I teleported from the room.

Today we had an unexpected visit from Ahsoka, she told us she if going to investigate a set of coordinates and wants Kanan, Ezra and I to go to the second. So, we did. We found a mother who child had been taken. Ezra went to find him, and I went with him. Ezra found a baby and then Kanan told us we had to find another. When we found both babies, we met up with Kanan in one of the houses. But the Inquisitors were after us. The baby started shrieking and we had to move fast. Long story short, we got past the inquisitors and headed for bay 9. When Ezra and I got there the door was locked.

"The door is locked Kanan." said Ezra over the commlink.

"I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment!" yelled Kanan. We turned to see Kanan was being chased by the Inquisitors. Kanan fought them off for a while but then was throw to the ground. I ignited my sabres and gave the other child to Ezra.

"I don't have time to was on you, child." said the Seventh Sister. I think she was expecting to get rid of me easily, but I used my shield to block her push. Then I fought them, but no sooner I was slammed to the ground by the Fifth Brother. At that moment Ahsoka appeared through the doors and helped me fight them off while Kanan and Ezra got the babies to the ships.

"We have to go back for them." Kanan said.

"If we get airborne, they'll just come to us." They flew out of the space port and as soon as we saw them Ahsoka rushed over to me, and we teleported away. We had saved the babies, we found out later that they were force sensitive and are destined to grow up and be Jedi. 

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