Chapter 3

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I was woken again with a kick in the leg by a troop. A sharp shock of pain shot through my leg and I yelped. I looked up and saw that Ezra and all the others were handcuffed behind me and we were on a cliff.

"Throw her off." Vader ordered. Oh god I thought, they are going to kill me, and I have no powers to protect me.

"NO!" Ezra yelled but Vader ignored him. As I was being pushed closer to the edge, I remembered something my mother told me when I was younger. "You can't be silenced, stand up for yourself and others." And that was the final straw, I turned.

"NO, I WON'T BE SILENCED!" The troops that were holding me faded away. Vader ordered more troops to get me.

"YOU WON'T KEEP ME QUIET FROM WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" Then I felt something, something I felt when I was first born. My power had returned. Ezra noticed it to and then I jumped, jumped off the cliff and I heard a huge gasp from above. Then I put all my strength in and did something I hadn't done in years. I flew. I flew up the cliff and appeared over the edge with another gasp from everyone else. Then I used my powers to kill of all the troops. But Vader still remained; I felt something appear in both my hands. Lightsabres, I thought. I ignited them and did something I would never had done even a day ago. I fought Vader. I managed to slash his mask leaving him wheezing, then I finished it I used the force and pushed him over the edge. For a moment there was silence. Then I realised what I had done, I did it I defeated Vader. Then the lightsabres faded from my hands and I ran over to give Ezra the hug I'd always wanted. A hug from a brother.

We celebrated for days, the rest of the crew were still amazed by my powers and they thought they best thing in the world. I suppose they were but at the time I didn't notice. By then I had learnt Ezra's story and what happened after our parents were taken and then I was my turn to gasp. I also told Ezra everything that had happened to me. I didn't mention Elijah; at the moment that was only for me to know about. 

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