Tips for Beginners

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Hello! Today, I'll be discussing some tips for beginners. I know most people don't like it when they have to read a lot in order to get one tip so I'll make it short and sweet!

Do Not let people read your early drafts. I know it'll make some people nervous when someone else reads your "crappy work"  when it's not edited so If it makes your nervous please don't let others read it unless you're happy with your work! 

Deleting old drafts/throwing away old notebooks: I did this before and I regret it so much. Like, I was so sad when I threw them away because now I can't look back at my old work and see how much I've improved. And I know the same is true for so many people because then you can't see what you have worked on in the past and such. 

Don't share a title too early when you're not done with the book in the first place. I've done this before and then I changed the book title because I wasn't finished with the book. So, learn from my mistakes and don't share it unless you are 100% ready too!

Make character profiles before writing/ outlie before writing: I didn't do this when outlining vampire girl has my heart which is now restricted to the public because I didn't outline it right but learn from me and outline!

Not reading: I think I can do better about reading and I think I should read a lot more than I already am. Same with so many others! Some people don't read and I totally don't read daily but I think reading every once and a while is good! It also helps you learn from other authors.

Following EVERY writing advice ever: I think Following Every writing advice ever is too much to think about and it might or might not work for you because everyone is different. 

Thanks for reading! And happy writing < 3

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