little random tips

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Hello! So, today I am writing some little random writing tips that can really help your writing. 


If dialogue feels flat make sure that you go back and rewrite the scenes but make the characters not tell how they feel. For example, If a character feels mad don't say "I'm mad." Instead, make them say something different. There are a lot of ways you can say I'm mad.

Wrote a chapter you hate? Maybe rewrite it only from memory. This way, you only include the details that matter and exclude the ones that don't matter at all.

Before writing, sit down and write a page about anything that comes to mind but do this in the POV of your main character. This way, you are in the character's mind and are ready to write.

Read your work out loud and this reason is so you can see if the dialogue sounds weird or if the flow of the overall story isn't right.

Don't use so many adverbs. For example instead of "He moved quickly" say "He hurried." Or "She rushed."

Some extra tips :)

In order to write a heartwarming friendship: Make sure they have common ground like common hobbies or interests. Let them have their own inside jokes and make references to their history together. Give them conflicts to solve.

How to use foreshadowing: Drop hints in dialogue, Don't use foreshadowing too much at one time, Add it with purpose and make it worth the wait.

Writing grief: Crying should be one symptom of grief, not the only one. Every character should grieve differently. Let grief affect the character long term for a bit. Avoid dramatic speeches.

Writing suspense(the elements): Foreshadowing, time, red herrings, physical limits, high stakes, and get the readers to trust you.

Plot twists: Think long and hard about what the plot twist should be. Redirect your reader's suspicion elsewhere. Avoid clichés (like this was all a dream). Test the twist on beta readers. Twist should be believable but surprising as well.

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