Writing Arguments

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Have clear motivations. For example, my two book characters usually fight a lot over everything. However, their main arguments center over keeping each other safe. One character might have an idea but risks getting hurt and the other character would argue with them because he doesn't want her to get hurt.

Have realistic dialogue. Make sure the dialogue fits the scene and the character's personality. My main character's love interest is a bit cold and harsh so he'd probably say something mean or hurtful but with the intent to save my main character.

If the argument gets emotional make sure to add pauses, interruptions, and other emotional cues so the reader feels something when reading the argument.

Use more description and don't state things. I have trouble with this myself. However, if you think about the scene like a painting, paintings usually don't flat out tell you the meaning behind it. You have to look for it through different things in the painting. Use facial expressions, tone of voice, and actions to show how the character is actually feeling.

Think of the aftermath of the argument. In my current WIP, the two characters have an argument and the aftermath could come out as something sweet such as them working things out. Or it could be the opposite and it ruins their relationship.

Inspo: Penstopalms on IG

~Cyberdruug <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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