Writing a Battle Scene

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Maybe you wanna write about a bloody battle taken place in the future. Or maybe you wanna write about an old battle taken place years ago but make it more real to your readers (kinda like my new project). Whatever the case, you might be wondering "How on earth do I write a battle scene?" Well, I can help! 

(Please note! I am not very good at advice and if you have any suggestions about another tip I should write about please let me know!)

Describe what is happening to the characters in a battle scene.

Describe how the battle impacts the main character.

The conflict in a way must change the main character in some way.

Writing needs to be fast paced but not fast enough that the reader doesn't know what is happening.

Sketch a map of the battle ground to get an idea of where everything

Write about the characters goals and what they expect from battle. For example: if the characters goal is to survive they expect to survive or die from this sort of conflict.

Think of the short term and long term goals in battle for the character. For example: Long term goals would be to live, to save someone or themselves, or to have more power. Short term goals are like a plan to fight the other force.

Determine what weapons they'll use including the enemies in the book.

Stack the odds against the main character. Make it harder for them

Plan battles well like as if you were actually gonna fight

Make a surprise and plan the surprise well

Thanks for reading! 


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