Short Story Ideas!

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I love writing new short stories based off pictures, music, or places! In this post, I'll be writing some short story ideas for you to use! 

1. Write about an international spy organization with a female MC. Setting: a train station, NYC. Plot: The female MC is hunting a man who has killed her best friend's daughter. Only to find out the man is her youngest cousin.

2. Write about a cruise ship going mad when the Male MC finds a couple that is dead from long ago. Setting: A cruise ship filled with a lot of people. Plot: The MC is going downstairs to dine out when he meets an odd but younger couple. They seem nice, until he realizes they're dead/ghosts.

3. write about two best friends going to an Arcade. One friend leaves for a bit (maybe to use the restroom or something) only to end up dead. 

I hope this helped spark some new ideas! Thanks for reading and I hope Nanowrimo went well!


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