Getting out of Writer's block

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Not gonna lie, for a while there I was in a writer's block. I didn't write for a while and I had zero ideas for my short stories. However, here's some few tips that helped me get over Writer's block!

Daydream: I'm giving you permission to finally daydream while you should be writing. The reason is because daydreaming about your book (Note: I said your book not other things) can really help when you're stuck on something like a scene.

Prompts: I actually use this one a lot! I personally like to go on pinterest or on spotify to listen to music that inspires me or read prompt on pinterest

Have a rest day! Maybe you're being overworked and need a rest?

Free writing. Personally, I like to write whatever for x amount of time before I actually start to work on my book. This way, my mind is flowing with ideas for my book. When trying this out don't hold back! Write about whatever. 

Hope this helped! Have fun writing!

~ Dearest

Sources/inspo: Melifluousgelatoo.writes on Instagram!

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