Writing Contests Tips

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Yesterday, I signed up for a writing contest. I know people wouldn't think it's a big deal. But, hell it sure is for me. Like, when I first started signing up for contests, I was super happy because I've always wanted to get my writing out in the world. Here's some tips to get started!

1. Find a contest to sign up with first: Maybe you have a writing contest in your city or town or something. However, the easier route is to use the internet. For me, personally, I like to use the Reedsy website when looking up writing contests because they show ones that are ongoing and free and what the prizes are in a brief summary.

2. Once you find one you like, make sure to read EVERYTHING. Like the rules, requirements, everything. This is such an easy tip and yet probably the most overlooked. The number one reason judges deny entries is because someone didn't read the rules or requirements correctly.

3. Write your piece: When writing, make sure to check for mistakes in grammar or anything that doesn't make sense. Use a grammar checker online. Most of them are free anyways.

4. Submit your piece and hope for the best! Also, when writing make sure it's your best you can possibly give. It'll be easier when you submit it too because then you know you did your best!


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