Chapter 10

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She cannot wait to get home today. It is about time she lose her cool and break down right here at work. She cannot look at Bheka. Just a glance at him, a thousand pictures of her son flashed her mind. Working with him is more difficult than she thought.

When she gets to her apartment. She greets Ukhona and tell her that she want to lie down. She have no energy for a Friday night today. She's drained. She's never felt like this on Sethu's birthday but the fact that she knows that he's around but there's nothing she can do makes her even more guilty.

"Don't blame yourself too much Nokukhanya, you did nothing wrong. Bheka's father did," she keeps saying to herself. It's not like she walked away but she was denied access to her son. She really hopes that man died brutally like he was and thrown in the jungle for the wolves to feed on him. He doesn't deserve a " Forever in our heart. RIP Mntungwa" type of tombstone but then this life favors the bad guys. But at least he's burning in hell.

She takes out an old photo album behind the night stand. She really disappointed her parents, she don't want to lie. Pregnant at the age of fourteen? She chuckles to herself shaking her head at her wilderness.
She flip the pages and stare at the three-year-old version of Bheka yet with her complexion. Bheka is dark-skinned with a dimple, almost all of his siblings have, they took after their mother. She guess all of his children does to, she doesn't know about his other kids from his late wife but Siphosethu and Ukhona have dimples. She doesn't even want to mention how Ukhona looks exactly like Bheka's late sister, Sanelisiwe. If Bheka could bump into them at the mall, he wouldn't hesitate to claim Ukhona his. Maybe that can be a good idea rather than her informing him like she's admitting her sins.

She feels a warm liquid running down her cheeks.

"At least you are okay and alive," she says brushing over the page with her thumb. She puts the album against her chest and heave a sigh. "Mama loves you," she says quietly.

"Happy birthday my greatest gift." She put it on her lap and faintly smiles at the picture.


Holy Ghost! That's Ukhona walking fiddling with her fingers like she's about to ask for something. Khanyo quickly put the photo album under her thigh on the other side, away from Ukhona. She harshly and hurriedly wipe the tears streaming down her face.

"Hey baby," her voice comes out thick. She clears her throat but before she can speak again Ukhona asks if she's okay.

"No, I'm fine was windy out there. I got dust in my eyes, you know how weak my eyes are and that is why I usually wear glasses on a windy day," she's rambling. Ukhona is looking at her with a raise brow. Someone need to teach the 2000s respect. She wouldn't do that to her mother. Speaking of her mother....

"Don't you want to visit your grandmother in Jozini?"
Why didn't she think if this all along. If Ukhona can go home, she'll have some time to clear her head over the ten days. Maybe by the time she comes back, she would have regained her composure. What comes out of Ukhona's mouth is what she least expected.

"No, I'll visit for June holidays."

Didn't she said she doesn't like this place, that she is bullied and all that?

"I'm sure you miss Andiswa and Zethembiso...and they miss you to," she pushes a little. Andiswa is her best friend and Zethembiso is her cousin.

"We've been videocalling each other on WhatsApp so we're cool."

Wow! This is getting difficult! When did she become so stubborn?

"It's not the same though." She's not happy, not happy at all but she really hope Ukhona doesn't notice.

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