Chapter 24

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This is no long termger funny. She's a lonely ass. Seeing Ashley happy with her friends every day, all day at school break her heart more than hearing the words, "it was just a one night thing" from the guys she's slept with. Ukhona is also happy with that cheated-daughter of a friend. Everyone is happy but her. You know what? Maybe God is removing toxic people in her life because she deserves better. I might might uyeis going to regret leaving her sooner or later. You know, when Dababy said, "I remember when you doubted, now you want me back the line is crowded," he definitely mea nt what's going to happen to Ash. She will wish she never left, she'll even want to come back but her time would be over. Amanda will be living the high life she deserves. She will be laying on her handsome boyfriend's firm and muscled chest taking cute snaps for her Instagram story. Going out with her gorgeous friends and all that. She's acting all mighty but she will be her follower soon.

God has just answered her prayers. The muscled handsome and sexy boyfriend she was talking about has been delivered. Yes, delivered in a form of a bartender. She me the on the bar stool and drool over him. He has a nice ass, she sees that when he turn around to do whatever God knows what. He's still attending other people because...he's hers. She has to be the last one he attends because you know, "he's saving the best for the last."

She's flirting with him as she ask for a Margarita. Twisting a strand of her shoulder length black curly hair between her fingers, looking straight at his eyes and smiling seductively. The poor bartender just turns around and do his job like nothing happened.

He must be gay!

She bats her her naturally long eyelashes and mutters a thanks putting the straw between her red coated coated  lips looking at the guy straight in the eyes seductively. Instead he just continue serving other customers.

"You're not taking my calls 'cause you're busy flirting with bartenders who doesn't even give a single fuck about you?"
Gosh! What the hell is Sizwe doing here ruining her Friday evening?

"Sis! Why didn't you tell me that you were coming here?"
Well, that's her twin sister Asanda, giving her a light hug from behind. She naturally has a light aura. Everything about her is just... beautiful. Life is so unfair. Why did they have to be twins when they're completely different?
Asanda gets the bartender's attention with a click of her fingers and he serves her happily with a bright smile. If she's not her sister she would have stormed out of this damn bar. Why does she always have to get everything without sweating for it? She work her ass off trying to get good guys but nothing. Instead, those guys are taken by all the world's ugly bitches like Ukhona. All the nice and fancy girl to be friends with choose that scrapy Ashley over her.

Can anyone choose her for once?

Her phone rings, it's Sizwe. She's never been grateful for his attention like today.

"Heeey, Sizwe!"

"I thought you will somehow change but clearly not. You don't post trash about my friends!"

He hang up? He hang up! He hang up on her! Come on, that thing happened like two week back and she was just seeking for attention but unfortunately it was a one day thing. She's never the lucky one when it comes attention. Now, she's just lost Sizwe. She acted like she didn't want him nagging her but she enjoyed every part of it.

She's a loner, always has been and  she's tired of trying.

She settles her bill, fighting back the tears that are threatening to come out and rushes out. Asanda follows her out.

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