37 - Partner

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"He's what?" your voice was high-pitched and frustrated. The news from Diluc about the happenings in Mondstadt had left you in disbelief.

Hardly a week has gone by and you were appalled by the consistent downward spiral the Ortho Favonius has fallen into since Albedo's disappearance.

Somehow, your father has weaseled his way into working along the Ortho for "diplomatic" purposes. Hoping to "right the wrongs" of his comrade, Childe in this way. This has put him in close quarters with Diluc, who has surprisingly taken over Albedo's place as the temporary and informal Chief of the Investigation team --by the recommendation of Kaeya of course.

On one hand, this collaboration has helped Diluc's job of gathering information on the Fatui's dealings easier, since he no longer needs to sneak out of his work to gather intel. On the other hand, your father being around had inconvenienced the wine master to no end.

Endless amounts of intelligence that he's gained from listening over conversations and asking directly has proven to be false. On top of this, your father has himself convinced that Albedo is still alive. All of this, despite every person in the Knights and Mondstadt--other than Kaeya and Diluc-- thinking that the late alchemist is somewhere at the bottom of Cider Lake below the city.

"He's sending out a search party to find Albedo's body, all just to confirm his death," Diluc repeats, crossing his arms with a slight frown. "I've tried to provide ample evidence that Albedo had lost his life that night but he won't budge. He's a lot more stubborn than I took him for."

"Y/n has to get it from somewhere," Kaeya comments, earning himself a well-deserved kick to the shin from you.

Glassware clinks as the alchemist who had been listening off to the side sets down his beaker. He lets out a bitter sigh as he leans back in his chair, tilting his head back and running an agitated hand through his hair.

It was clear your father troubled Albedo to his wit's end. Not once has he had a pleasant interaction with the old man, and the current situation was not helping.

"How long until he sends out his team?" he asks Diluc, putting his work on pause to participate in the conversation.

"Tomorrow at dawn," the wine master responds.

Albedo purses his lips for a moment, thinking of what he can do in such a short time. That gives you just under a day to come up with something.

"Well," Kaeya chimes in, "If they're looking for a body, why don't we let them find one?"

All eyes turn to the knight, two concerned, one appalled by the sudden notion. You hesitate as you question him, "What... does that mean?"

"Well," The knight leans into his seat against the window sill, bringing a hand to his chin, "If we let the current situation progress anymore without doing anything to ease Fynn's suspicion, it can prove hard for you stay here any longer," he gestures toward Albedo as he explains, "Since Diluc has been insistent on pushing the idea that you've fallen to your death, he'll be the first one to be suspected of aiding your shelter once Fynn has the right to believe that you may, in fact, still be alive."

"Right," you sigh, "How do you suggest we let them find a body?"

Kaeya looks over to Albedo who only shakes his head in response, "If you're suggested I compose a fake body through the Art of Khemia, it's not as easy as you may think," he says, already aware of what Kaeya was implying, "We'd need inorganic substances that are much too hard to obtain on such a short basis. Not to mention a catalyst for it. An energy that acts as a heart--" the blonde cuts himself off abruptly as his eyes lighten.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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