6. Attachments

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I couldn't escape the guilt, of feeling the way I felt when Enzo touched me and having sex with him again. Only this morning, I was careful enough to apply makeup on the marks on my neck.

When I get to Elfy's coffee shop, I find a table at the corner so I sit and focus on my phone. I haven't talked to my parents in a while, my siblings are around Pretoria but we respect each other's space so we hardly see each other. Although on my case is mostly because they don't like Ndivhuwo and think he is controlling.

"Wanga" Leah smiles at me

"Hello beautiful, how are you?" I ask

"I'm good thanks, I have something to ask you?" She sits down.


"I'm...I've been seeing someone. And I know it is still early but I am falling in love with her. The only problem is that, she's straight and I'm the first girl she has ever been with. You are a girl, you understand how girls think..." she stops

"You are a girl too Leah" I point out

She shakes her head.

"I'm so confused, please help me out. I don't want to feel like this, especially if the feelings are not mutual." She adds

The heck!

"Tshisi..." Leah calls out

My attention shifted to Enzo, he just entered with Larrisa busy laughing like nobody's business. Why is he here, with her?

"That's her" Leah says looking at Larrisa

"Why is she with him?" I ask consumed with jealousy

"Do you know him?" She asks

Yes I do, he even passed me without even looking at me. What is his problem?

"No, I don't" I lie

"Hey babe, how are you " Larrisa kisses Leah

Leah blushes.
"I'm good, what are you doing here?" Leah asks

"I wanted to see you before going to work. Hi Tshisi" Larrisa greets me

"Hi Larrisa" I smile

I look at Enzo who is sitting not far from my table but focused on his phone.

I look at Leah and Larrisa who are having a moment right in front of me. I'm saved by Ndivhuwo walking in the shop. He is in a good mood hence why he is smiling at me even after seeing Leah here.

"Hi ladies" he greets us

"Hi boss" Larrisa reply

Ndivhuwo looks at me then back at them like he's trying to understand what's going on. I take my bags and walk to him.

"Morning" I say

He kiss me, I wasn't expecting that.
"Good morning" he answers then take my bags from me

He allows me to pass but open the door for me. I know this side of him, he feels guilty about yesterday and this is way of apologizing. However I wish he could just say it.

"How did you sleep?" He asks

I look at him
"We had a misunderstanding yesterday..." I say but he intervene

"Can we please leave that, we have had such conversations and we are going to end up fighting for days about the same thing " he says

"I don't want to fight, I just want us to talk. We can't just always let things go, it's not healthy." I say

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